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José Manuel Ortiz Rodríguez

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: VET/02 FISIOLOGIA VETERINARIA


Ortiz-Rodriguez J.M.; Anel-Lopez L.; Martin-Munoz P.; Lvarez M.; Gaitskell-Phillips G.; Anel L.; Rodriguez-Medina P.; Pena F.J.; Ortega-Ferrusola C., Pulse Doppler ultrasound as a tool for the diagnosis of chronic testicular dysfunction in stallions, «PLOS ONE», 2017, 12, Article number: e0175878, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]

Ortega Ferrusola C.; Anel-Lopez L.; Ortiz-Rodriguez J.M.; Martin Munoz P.; Alvarez M.; de Paz P.; Masot J.; Redondo E.; Balao da Silva C.; Morrell J.M.; Rodriguez Martinez H.; Tapia J.A.; Gil M.C.; Anel L.; Pena F.J., Stallion spermatozoa surviving freezing and thawing experience membrane depolarization and increased intracellular Na+, «ANDROLOGY», 2017, 5, pp. 1174 - 1182 [articolo]

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