Lutteroth, Jan; Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bajena, Igor Piotr, Digital 3D reconstructions of synagogues for an innovative approach on Jewish architectural heritage in East Central Europe, «VIRTUAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW», 2025, 16, pp. 144 - 160 [articolo]
Bajena, IGOR PIOTR; Apollonio, FABRIZIO IVAN; Argasiński, Karol; Fallavollita, Federico; Foschi, Riccardo; Franczuk, Jakub; Koszewski, Krzysztof; Kuroczyński, Piotr; Lutteroth, Jan, Documentation and Publication of Hypothetical Virtual 3D Reconstructions in the CoVHer Project, in: 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V. Paradata, Metadata and Data in Digitisation., Cham, Springer Nature, 2024, pp. 115 - 126 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]
Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bajena, Igor Piotr; Cazzaro, Irene, The Scientific Reference Model—A Methodological Approach in the Hypothetical 3D Reconstruction of Art and Architecture, «HERITAGE», 2024, 7, pp. 5446 - 5461 [articolo]
Bajena Igor;
Clemens Beck, 3D Infrastructure for Digital Reconstructions
Wha t is DFG 3D-Viewer?, in: BUILD ON DATA AUF DATEN BAUEN Forschungsdaten in der Historischen Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Aachen, RWTH Aachen University, Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte, 2024, pp. 94 - 97 (atti di: Build on Data, Berlin, 04-05-2023) [atti di convegno-poster]
Igor Bajena; Piotr Kuroczyński, DEVELOPMENT OF THE METHODOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR DIGITAL 3D RECONSTRUCTION, in: AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES 29.2, (IN)TANGIBLE HERITAGE(S): Design, culture and technology – past, present, and future, Canterbury, Howard Griffin, 2023, pp. 72 - 83 [capitolo di libro]
Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bajena, Igor Piotr; Große, Peggy, Digital Urban History Lab – Serious 3D in Research, Education and Popularization of Cultural Heritage, in: Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. UHDL 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 131 - 144 (COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]
Bajena, Igor; Kuroczyński, Piotr, Metadata for 3D Digital Heritage Models. In the Search of a Common Ground, in: Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. UHDL 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Cham, Springer, 2023, pp. 45 - 64 (COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]
Piotr Kuroczyński; Fabrizio Apollonio; Igor Bajena; Irene Cazzaro, Scientific Reference Model – Defining standards, methodology and implementation of serious 3D models in Archaeology, Art and Architectural History, «THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES», 2023, XLVIII-M-2-2023, Article number: 189810, pp. 895 - 902 [articolo]Open Access
Bajena, Igor; Kuroczyński, Piotr, Challenges in the face of documentation and publication of 3D reconstructions of Cultural Heritage. How to capture the process and share the data?, in: Proceedings of the 26thInternational Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, 2022, 26, pp. 63 - 89 (atti di: 26th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Tech-nologies, Vienna, 02-04 November 2021) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Igor Bajena, Daniel Dworak, Piotr Kuroczyński, René Smolarski, Sander Münster, DFG-3D-Viewer – Development of an infrastructure for digital 3D reconstructions, in: Digital Humanities 2022 Conference Abstracts The University of Tokyo, Japan 25-29 July 2022, Tokyo, DH2022 Local Organizing Committee, 2022, pp. 117 - 120 (atti di: Digital Humanities 2022 RESPONDING TO ASIAN DIVERSITY, Tokyo, 25-29 July 2022) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Kuroczyński, Piotr; Bajena, Igor; Große, Peggy; Jara, Karolina; Wnęk, Kinga, Digital Reconstruction of the New Synagogue in Breslau: New Approaches to Object-Oriented Research, in: Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. UHDL 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Würzburg, Dresden, Würzburg, Florian Niebling, Sander Münster, Heike Messemer, 2021, pp. 25 - 45 (COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]