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Giuseppe Fornasari

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-04/A Chimica industriale


L. Forni; G. Fornasari; M. Guerrini; F. Trifirò; A. Macario; A. Katovic; C. Giordano; J. B.Nagy, High-silica MEL structures: synthesis parameters modification and catalytic results on Beckmann rearrangement reaction, in: Molecular Sieves: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd International Zeolite Symposium (3rd FEZA), «STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS», 2005, 158, pp. 1787 - 1794 (atti di: 3rd International Zeolite Symposium (3rd FEZA), Prague, Czech Republic, August, 23-26, 2005) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

P. Arpentinier; P. del Gallo; D. Gary; F. Basile; G. Fornasari; V. Rosetti; A. Vaccari, New catalysts with low amounts of active phase for CPO processes, in: P. FORZATTI, G. GROPPI, P. CIAMBELLI, D. SANNINO, Catalytic Combustion Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Catalytic Combustion, MILANO, Polipress, 2005, 1, pp. 83 - 88 [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

P. Arpentier; F. Basile; P. Del Gallo; G. Fornasari; D. Gary; V. Rosetti; A. Vaccari, Role of the Hydrotalcite-type precursor on the properties of CPO catalysts, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2005, 99, pp. 99 - 104 [articolo]

G. Fornasari; R. Gloeckler; M. Livi; A. Vaccari, Role of the Mg/Al atomic ratio in hydrotalcite-based catalysts for NOx storage/reduction, «APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE», 2005, 29, pp. 258 - 266 [articolo]

L. Forni; E. Patriarchi; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Katovic; G. Giordano; J.B. Nagy, Synthesis of porous catalysts for Beckmann rearrangement of oximes, in: Oxide Based Materials New sources, novel phases, new applications, Amsterdam, Elsevier BV, 2005, pp. 281 - 290 (STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS) [capitolo di libro]

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; J. Brandin; G. Fornasari; V. Rosetti; M. Sanati; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, The technical feasibility of biomass gasification for hydrogen production, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2005, 106, pp. 297 - 300 [articolo]

L. Forni; G. Fornasari; G. Giordano; C. Lucarelli; A. Katovic; F. Trifirò; C. Perri; J.B.Nagy, Effect of exchange procedure and crystal size on high silica MFI zeolite as catalyst for vapor phase beckmann rearrangement, in: E. van Steen, M. Claeys, L.H. Callanan, Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials Proceedings of the 14th International Zeolite Conference, «STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS», 2004, 154 Part C, pp. 2823 - 2830 (atti di: 14 International Zeolite Conference Recent Advances in the Science and Technology of Zeolites and Related Materials, Cape Town, South Africa, 25–30 April 2004) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

F. Basile; G. Fornasari; V. Rosetti; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Effect of the Mg/Al ratio of the hydrotalcite-type precursor on the dispersion and activity of Rh and Ru catalysts for the partial oxidation of methane, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2004, 91-92, pp. 293 - 297 [articolo]

F. Basile; S. Albertazzi; P. Arpentier; P. Del Gallo; G. Fornasari; D. Gary; V. Rosetti; A. Vaccari, New catalysts for teh syngas production obtained by hydrotalcite-type precursor containing silicate, in: Natural Gas Conversion VII, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 211 - 215 (STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS) [capitolo di libro]

F. Basile; G. Fornasari; M. Livi; F. Tinti; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Performance of new Pt and Pt-Cu on hydrotalcite-derived materials for NOx storage/reduction, «TOPICS IN CATALYSIS», 2004, 30/31, pp. 223 - 227 [articolo]

Brevetto n. European Patent Application EP 1,419,814 A1, Perovskite catalysts for the partial oxidation of natural gas.

Brevetto n. World Patent WO 108,276 A1, Supported catalysts for producing H2 and/or CO from low molecular weight hydrocarbons.

L. Forni; G. Fornasari; G. Giordano; C. Lucarelli; A. Katovic; F. Trifirò; C. Perri; J.B. Nagy, Vapor phase Beckmann rearrangement using high silica zeolite catalyst, «PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS», 2004, 6, pp. 1842 - 1847 [articolo]

L. Forni; C. Tosi; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari; J.B. Nagy, Vapour-phase Beckmann rearrangement of cyclohexanone-oxime over Al-MCM-41 type mesostructured catalysts, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS. A: CHEMICAL», 2004, 221, pp. 97 - 103 [articolo]

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