Foto del docente

Giulio Viola

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Curriculum vitae

  • March 2000: Doctoral Degree in Earth Sciences (Ph.D.) at the Geological Institute of the ETH, Zurich, Switzerland with the project “Kinematics and timing of the Periadriatic fault system in the Giudicarie region (Central-Eastern Alps)”.
  • May 1996: Passed the National Exam and obtained the Italian "Abilitazione alla Libera Professione" which allows graduates to practice the profession of geologist.
  • 1990-1995: Italian University degree in geology (5 years, equivalent to M.Sc.) at Padova University (Italy).
Academic/Professional Career:
  • From October 2021: Deputy Director of the BiGeA Department
  • 2021- 2024: Membro del Senato Accademico dell'Alma Mater Università degli Studi di Bologna-
  • 2017-2021: Coordinatore del Corso di Dottorato UniBo in Scienze della Terra, Vita ed Ambiente (STVA)
  • May 2018-December 2018: Director of the "Research Commitee" of the BiGeA Department.
  • September 2016-present: Full Professor of Structural Geology and Tectonics, Department of Biological, geological and Environmental Sciences - BiGeA, University of Bologna, Italia (Chiamata diretta dall'estero).
  • March 2015: Prize for "Best lecturer and supervisor" at the Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim.
  • January 2014: Awarded the "Habilitation" by the Italian Ministry of University Education (MIUR) for a full professorship (Prima Fascia) in structural geology.
  • March 2010-August 2016: Adjunct Full Professor in structural geology at the Department of Earth Sciences of NTNU, Trondheim.
  • Mai 2009: Promotion to position code 1183, University Professor Competence in structural geology and tectonics.
  • October 2007: Offered a chief structural geologist position by Task Geoscience.
  • October 2005: Promoted to position code 1110, equivalent to Associate Professorship.
  • February 2005-August 2016: Senior Structural Geologist at NGU, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim.
  • September 2004: Promoted to Senior Lecturer at UCT.
  • July 2000-December 2004: Structural Geology Lecturer at the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa.