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Giulio Alessandri Bonetti

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-16/A Malattie odontostomatologiche



Alessandri Bonetti G; Incerti Parenti S; Ciocci M; Checchi L, Interdisciplinary rehabilitation of a root-fractured maxillary central incisor: A 12-year follow-up case report, «THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS», 2014, 44, pp. 217 - 225 [articolo]

Checchi, L.; Alessandri Bonetti, G.; Bendandi, M.; Pucar, A.; Montevecchi, M., Orthodontic extraction: the extraction of the third molars in close proximity to the mandibular canal by an orthodontic surgical approach, in: Scientific Thought and Clinical Practice 10 years of BaSS, 2014, pp. 142 - 150 (atti di: Congress of the Stomatological Balkan Society, Tirana, Novembre 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Montevecchi M; Incerti Parenti S; Checchi V; Palumbo B; Checchi L; Alessandri Bonetti G, Periodontal healing after 'orthodontic extraction' of mandibular third molars: a retrospective cohort study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY», 2014, 43, pp. 1137 - 1141 [articolo]

Serena Incerti Parenti;Ida Marini;Daniela Rita Ippolito;Giulio Alessandri Bonetti, Preeruptive changes in maxillary canine and first premolar inclinations: A retrospective study on panoramic radiographs, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS», 2014, 146, pp. 460 - 466 [articolo]

G. Alessandri Bonetti;E. Pazzi;M. Zanarini;S. Marchionni;L. Checchi, The effect of zinc-carbonate hydroxyapatite versus fluoride on enamel surfaces after interproximal reduction, «SCANNING», 2014, 36, pp. 356 - 361 [articolo]

Zanarini M; Gracco A; Lattuca M; Marchionni S; Gatto MR; Alessandri Bonetti G, Bracket base remnants after orthodontic debonding, «ANGLE ORTHODONTIST», 2013, 83, pp. 885 - 891 [articolo]Open Access

Lombardo L;Bulli C;Mirabella D;Alessandri Bonetti G;Siciliani G, Comparison of adhesion forces developed by foil mesh of various dimensions applied in combination with composites of different viscosity., «INTERNATIONAL ORTHODONTICS», 2013, 11, pp. 290 - 302 [articolo]

Alessandri Bonetti G; Incerti Parenti S; Garulli G; Gatto MR; Checchi L, Effect of fixed orthodontic appliances on salivary properties, «PROGRESS IN ORTHODONTICS», 2013, 14, pp. 1 - 4 [articolo]

Incerti Parenti S; Panseri S; Gracco A; Sandri M; Tampieri A; Alessandri Bonetti G., Effect of low-level laser irradiation on osteoblast-like cells cultured on porous hydroxyapatite scaffolds, «ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ», 2013, 49, pp. 255 - 260 [articolo]Open Access

I. Marini;M. R. Gatto;M. L. Bartolucci;F. Bortolotti;G. Alessandri Bonetti;A. Michelotti, Effects of experimental occlusal interference on body posture: an optoelectronic stereophotogrammetric analysis, «JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION», 2013, 40, pp. 509 - 518 [articolo]

Milano F;Billi MC;Marra F;Sorrenti G;Gracco A;Alessandri Bonetti G, Factors associated with the efficacy of mandibular advancing device treatment in adult OSA patients., «INTERNATIONAL ORTHODONTICS», 2013, 11, pp. 278 - 289 [articolo]

Gracco A; Stellini E; Incerti Parenti S; Alessandri Bonetti G, Individualized orthodontic treatment: The Insignia system., «ORTHODONTICS», 2013, 14, pp. e88 - e94 [articolo]

S. Incerti Parenti;M. R. Gatto;A. Gracco;G. Alessandri Bonetti, Reliability of different methods for measuring the inclination of the maxillary canines on panoramic radiographs, «ORTHODONTICS & CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH», 2013, 16, pp. 177 - 184 [articolo]

Marini I;Paduano S;Bartolucci ML;Bortolotti F;Alessandri Bonetti G, The prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in patients with late whiplash syndrome who experience orofacial pain: A case-control series study., «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION», 2013, 144, pp. 486 - 490 [articolo]

Zucchelli G; Alessandri Bonetti G, Use of orthodontic therapy to improve the esthetic and periodontal prognosis of root coverage surgery, in: Rafi Romano, The art of detailing. The philosophy behind excellence., London, Quintessence Pubblishing, 2013, pp. 59 - 73 [capitolo di libro]

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