Foto del docente

Giovanni Sartor

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche


IT LAW: Results of tests and course materials

Results of IT LAW tests

Link to results

Students obtaining a mark of at least 18 points in the written exam have the following choice:

  1. they can ask that the mark obtained in the written exam is registered as their final mark; or
  2. they can come to the oral exam and ask for an additional question in order to improve their mark. The oral exam is optional, and may also result in decreasing the mark obtained in the written exam.

In case 1), the student will send an email message to, including the following information:

  • name and surname
  • student number
  • date of the written exam
  • explicit acceptance of the mark as published in the website of the course


Course materials

Link to course materials

Pubblicato il: 16 dicembre 2017