Titoli di studio
01/11/2015- 04/11/2019
Università di Bologna
Diploma di Specializzazione Medica in Malattie dell’Apparato Digerente.
110/110 e Lode.
01/11/2014- 20/04/2018
Università di Bologna
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Mediche Generali e dei Servizi - XXX ciclo
Curriculum: Ultrasonologia in medicina Umana e Veterinaria
Settore concorsuale 06/D4
ACLS- Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Course
Società Italiana Medicina di Emergenza e Urgenza
Università di Bologna
Diploma di abilitazione professionale per medico-chirurgo
270/270 punti
Medico- Chirurgo
Iscrizione albo dei Medici di Bologna n. 17311
09/2008- 16/05/2014
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università degli Studi di Bologna
Via Zamboni, 33 – 40126 - BOLOGNA
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia
Laurea Specialistica a ciclo unico D.M. 509 codice 0080
Voto 110 e Lode
17/05/2010 – 28/05/2010
Cardiff School of Biosciences – Cardiff University
Biomedical Sciences Building, Museum Avenue – Cardiff CF10 3AX, Wales UK
Course in anatomy in the dissecting laboratory
Diploma di Maturità Scientifica
Liceo Scientifico Statale G. Galilei
Manfredonia (FG), Italia
- Borsa di studio SIGE (Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia) per partecipazione su base
competitiva al corso: The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group - "Diagnosis and Prognosis: Clinical
and Research problems “ Corso residenziale a Gargnano 8-11 ottobre 2014.
dal 23-09-2014 al 23-09-2014
- Travel Grant - UEG Week 2015 October 24-28, 2015, Barcelona - Spain, for the poster entitled:
SYMPTOMS. dal 24-10-2015 al 28-10-2015
- Full Bursary - EASL – HCC Summit 2017, Geneva, Switzerland from 2-5 February 2017 for the
poster entitled: The role of Spleen Stiffness measurement as predictor of HCC recurrence after
curative resection in cirrhotic patients. dal 02-02-2017 al 05-02-2017
- Travel Grant - 50a Riunione Generale Annuale A.I.S.F. 23-24/02/2017, Roma per presentazione
abstract: “The role of Spleen Stiffness measurement as predictor of HCC recurrence after
curative resection in cirrhotic patients.”dal 23-02-2017 al 24-02-2017
- Travel Grant - UEG Week 2018 October 20-24, 2018, Vienna - Austria for the poster entitled:
Pancreatic ultrasound elastography and its clinical use in predicting the risk of pancreatic fistulas
after pancreatic resection. dal 20-10-2018 al 24-10-2018
- Best Oral Presentation intitolata: Role of ultrasound elastography for detection of fibrotic bowel
stricture in patients with Crohn Disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. EAGEN
(European Association of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition), Bridging Meeting, Berlino
29-30 Novembre 2018.dal 29-11-2018 al 29-11-2018
- Borsa di studio A.I.S.F. 2019 per Poster “The role of liver and spleen stiffness measurement in
predicting hepatic decompensation after HCV eradication with direct antiviral agents therapy”.
dal 20-02-2019 al 21-02-2019
- Borsa di Studio FISMAD (Federazione Italiana Società Malattie Apparato Digerente) per
presentazione poster ‘Role of ultrasound elastography for detection of fibrotic bowel stricture in
patients with Crohn Disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis’.dal 27-03-2019 al 31-03-2019
- Young Investigator bursary EASL ILC 2019, Vienna Austria, per l’abstract “The role of liver and
spleen stiffness measurement in predicting hepatic decompensation after HCV eradication with
direct antiviral agents therapy”.dal 10-04-2019 al 14-04-2019
- Young Investigator Award and Travel Grant at International Digestive Disease Forum 2019 (IDDF
2019) 8 - 9 June 2019, Hong Kong for the presentation: 'Hepatic decompensation risk is reduced, but not eliminated after direct-acting antivirals: the role of spleen stiffness measurement'. dal 15-04-2019 al 15-04-2019
- UEG Visiting Fellowship for clinicians
Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Hepatology Unit.
- Travel Grant - UEG Week 2019 October 19-23, 2019, Barcelona Vienna - Austria for the poster entitled: 'Hepatic decompensation risk is reduced, but not eliminated after direct-acting antivirals: the role of spleen stiffness measurement'.
- Best Abstract Award – UEG Week 2021 October 3-5 2021, Vienna-Austria. Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results of the Prospective Controlled Multinational GI-COVID19 Study.
- Travel Grant - UEG (United European Gastroenterology) Week 2022 October 8-11, 2022, Vienna - Austria for the abstract entitled: 'POST-INFECTION IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME IN SARSCOV-2 PATIENTS: THE GI-COVID19 STUDY ' dal 08-10-2022 al 11-10-2022
- National Scholar Award - Best young researcher for Italy in 2022 - UEG (United European Gastroenterology) Week 2022 October 8-11, 2022, Vienna - Austria for the abstract entitled: 'POSTINFECTION IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME IN SARS-COV-2 PATIENTS: THE GI-COVID19 STUDY '.
- Best oral presentation session ‘Upper GI’. FISMAD 29° Congresso Nazionale delle Malattie Digestive, Roma dal 29 marzo al 1° aprile 2023 per la relazione intitolata “GASTROINTESTINAL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES IN PATIENTS WITH COMMON VARIABLE IMMUNODEFICIENCY: A COHORT STUDY.” 30 marzo 2023
- Italian Researcher selected for the 4th nEUROgastro TANDEM meeting from 29th – 30th August 2023, in Bucharest for Young Investigators.
- Maggio 2024: Premio per la ricerca Scientifica di Eccellenza in Emilia Romagna - Clust-ER - Regione Emilia Romagna
Attività Editoriale
- 2018-Oggi
Reviewer per le riviste internazionali peer-reviewed: The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, British Medical Journal (BMJ) Open Gastroenterology; Alimentary, Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Digestive and Liver Disease, PLOS ONE, Gastroenterology Research and Practice, Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Frontiers in Medicine, Frontiers in Gastroenterology, Nutrients, Cancers, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Medicina, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Microorganisms
- 2023-Oggi
Editorial Board: Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
- 2023-Oggi
Editorial Board: BMC Gastroenterology
- 2023-Oggi
Editorial Board: Digestive and Liver Disease
- 2019-Oggi
Editorial Board: Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- 2019-Oggi
Editorial Board: Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology
- 2020-Oggi
Editorial Board: Hepatoma Research
- 2020-Oggi
Topic Editor: Gastroenterology Insights
- 2021-Oggi
Topic Editor: Journal of Clinical Medicine
- 2021-Oggi
Reviewer Board: World Journal of Gastroenterology
- 2021-Oggi
Review Editor: Frontiers in Medicine; Frontiers in Gastroenterology; Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers in Pharmacology; Frontiers in Oncology.
- 2021-Oggi: Editorial Board Member for iLiver. An international, open-access, peer-reviewed journal by Elsevier.
- 2021-Oggi: Editorial Board: Portal Hypertension and Cirrhosis. Wiley Online Library.
Incarichi in Società Scientifiche
- Componente Commissione Scientifica SIED (Società Italiana di Endoscopia Digestiva) triennio 2018-2021.
- Tesoriere AGGEI (Associazione Giovani Gastroenterologi ed Endoscopisti Italiani).
- Young Group SIGE - 2021 ad Oggi
- ESNM Young Group - Chair of Gut Microbiota for Health Section
- Componente Special Interest Group AISF (Associazione Italiana Studio Fegato): Diagnosi e trattamento del Carcinoma Epatocellulare.
- UEG- Young Talent Pool 2019, Co-Chair UEG Week Poster in the Spotlight Session, Poster Judge.
- Socio SIED (Società Italiana Endoscopia Digestiva)
- Socio AISF (Associazione Italiana Studio Fegato)
- Socio ASGE (American Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy)
- Socio EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver)
- Socio UEG (United European Gastroenterology)
- Socio EAGEN (European Association of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition)
Partecipazione a Meeting Nazionali ed Internazionali in qualità di relatore/docente:
- Romanian Society of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive EndoscopyInvestigating microbiota: from bed to bench and back. 08/11/2016 al 11/11/2016
- HCC SUMMIT, Ginevra, Svizzera, 2017. The role of Spleen Stiffness measurement as predictor of HCC recurrence after curative resection in cirrhotic patients. 05/02/2017
- University of Bologna. Imaging training course on Veno-occlusive Disease. 10/03/2017
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna. Nutrizione e microbiota intestinale e patologie digestive. 10/04/2017
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna. Steatosi, colestasi, epatite... molte strade per la cirrosi: un viaggio attraverso le malattie del fegato. 18/09/2017
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna. Nutrizione, microbiota e malattie digestive. 07/05/2018
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna. Allergie, disordini immunitari e funzionali nelle malattie del tratto digestivo superiore. 11/06/2018
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna. Ancora virus, oltre i virus: le malattie del fegato. 17/09/2018
- European Bridging Meeting in Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany. Role of ultrasound elastography for detection of fibrotic bowel stricture in patients with Crohn’s Disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 30/11/2018
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna: Le Emergenze/Urgenze Endoscopiche. 10/12/2018
- EASL ILC 2019The role of liver and spleen stiffness measurement in predicting hepatic decompensation after HCV eradication with direct antiviral agents therapy”11/04/2019
- International Digestive Disease Forum 2019 (IDDF 2019) 8 - 9 June 2019, Hong Kong for the presentation: 'Hepatic decompensation risk is reduced, but not eliminated after direct-acting antivirals: the role of spleen stiffness measurement'.dal 15-04-2019 al 15-04-2019
- CORSO E CONVEGNO OBESITÀ E DIABETE- Bologna. Microbiota e malattia diverticolare. 28 e 29 giugno 2019
- UEG Week 2019, Barcellona (Spagna) 19-23 Ottobre 2019. Chair Session: Poster in the Spotlight Session Hepato-Pancreatic-biliary. Poster Judge.
- MGB. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna: Attraversare confini in Gastroenterologia. 28/10/2019
- 06/10/2020. Rappresentante Regione Emilia-Romagna per FISMAD Cup 2020.
- 8 e 9/11/2019. CAMPUS AGGEI (Associazione Giovani Gastroenterologi ed Endoscopisti Italiani) 2019- ‘New frontiers for modern Gastroenterology’ Chair per la sessione: HOT TOPICS IN...HEPATOLOGY.
- 8 e 9/11/2019. CAMPUS AGGEI (Associazione Giovani Gastroenterologi ed Endoscopisti Italiani) 2019- ‘New frontiers for modern Gastroenterology’. Moderatore e relatore: Introduzione all’ecografia addominale ed intestinale.