Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «manuscript cultures»
Ciotti, Giovanni; Franceschini, Marco, Experimenting with Digital Palaeography: The First Application of the Handwriting Software Tool (HAT 3.5) to Indian Scripts, in: The Universe of Knowledge. Celebrating Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972), Udine, Forum, 2024, pp. 159 - 192 (TRACCE. ITINERARI DI RICERCA/AREA UMANISTICA E DELLA FORMAZIONE) [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Poliakova, Anastasia; Ciotti, Giovanni; Helman-Wazny, Agnieszka; Fromm, Jörg, Phytolith assemblages from palm leaves and palm-leaf manuscripts: what is the difference and what it could mean?, «FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE», 2024, 15, pp. 1 - 29 [articolo]Open Access
Ciotti G., Strategies for binding pothi manuscripts, in: Tied and Bound: A Comparative View on Manuscript Binding, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 155 - 189 [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Ciotti G., Scribe, owner, or both? Some ambiguities in the interpretations of personal names in colophons from Tamil Nadu, in: The Syntax of Colophons: A Comparative Study across Pothi Manuscripts, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 151 - 169 [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Balbir N.; Ciotti G., The Syntax of Colophons: A Comparative Study across Pothi Manuscripts, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 406 . [curatela]Open Access
Giovanni Ciotti; R. Sathyanarayanan, Between Manipravalam and Tamil: The Case of the Viṣṇupurāṇavacaṉam and Its Recensions (Studies in Late Tamil Manipravalam Literature 3), in: Linguistic and Textual Aspects of Multilingualism in South India and Sri Lanka, Pondicherry, EFEO/IFP, 2021, pp. 665 - 751 [capitolo di libro]
Ciotti, Giovanni; Cuneo, Daniele, Copioso sangue e rossa pasta di sandalo, Milano, Edizioni Ariele sas, 2021, pp. 265 . [libro]
Stefanie Brinkmann; Giovanni Ciotti; Stefano Valente; Eva Maria Wilden, Education Materialized: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts., Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 495 . [curatela]
Ciotti, Giovanni, Introduction: On the Interplay between Syllabi, Texts and Manuscripts, in: Education Materialised: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 259 - 278 [capitolo di libro]
Mohammed, H; Märgner, V; Ciotti, G, Learning-free pattern detection for manuscript research: An efficient approach toward making manuscript images searchable, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION», 2021, 24, pp. 167 - 179 [articolo]Open Access
Giovanni Ciotti; Erin McCann, Linguistic and Textual Aspects of Multilingualism in South India and Sri Lanka, Pondicherry, EFEO/IFP, 2021, pp. 817 . [curatela]
Ciotti, Giovanni, Notes for an Ontological Approach within Manuscript Studies: Object Oriented Ontology and the Pothi Manuscript Culture, in: Exploring Written Artefacts: Objects, Methods, and Concepts, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 866 - 887 [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Ciotti, Giovanni, Tamil Ilakkaṇam (‘Grammar’) and the Interplay between Syllabi, Corpora and Manuscripts, in: Education Materialised: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 315 - 352 [capitolo di libro]Open Access
Giovanni Ciotti; R. Sathyanarayanan, A multilingual Commentary of the First Verse of the Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana as found in ms. IFP RE22704 (Studies in Late Tamil Manipravalam Literature 1), in: The Commentary Idioms of the Tamil Learned Traditions, Pondicherry, EFEO/IFP, 2020, pp. 443 - 489 [capitolo di libro]