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Giovanni Cardillo

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-09/B Economia degli intermediari finanziari


Cardillo, Giovanni; Cotugno, Matteo; Perdichizzi, Salvatore; Torluccio, Giuseppe, Bank market power and supervisory enforcement actions, «INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS», 2024, 91, Article number: 103014, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]Open Access

Onali, Enrico; Ginesti, Gianluca; Cardillo, Giovanni; Torluccio, Giuseppe, Market reaction to the expected loss model in banks, «JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY», 2024, 74, Article number: 100884, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

Cardillo, Giovanni; Chiappini, Helen, Robo-advisors: A systematic literature review, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2024, 62, Article number: 105119, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Cardillo, Giovanni; Duqi, Andi; Perdichizzi, Salvatore; Torluccio, Giuseppe, Sustainable and socially responsible finance, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2024, 67, Article number: 105878, pp. 1 - 3 [articolo]

Cardillo, Giovanni; Bendinelli, Ennio; Torluccio, Giuseppe, COVID‐19, ESG investing, and the resilience of more sustainable stocks: Evidence from European firms, «BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT», 2023, 32, pp. 602 - 623 [articolo]Open Access

Cardillo, Giovanni; Onali, Enrico; Perdichizzi, Salvatore, Investor behavior around targeted liquidity announcements, «THE BRITISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW», 2023, online first, Article number: 101275, pp. 1 - 36 [articolo]Open Access

Bouteska, Ahmed; Cardillo, Giovanni; Harasheh, Murad, Is it all about noise? Investor sentiment and risk nexus: evidence from China, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2023, 57, Article number: 104197, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]

Giovanni, Cardillo; Murad, Harasheh, Stay close to me: What do ESG scores tell about the deal timing in M&A transactions?, «FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS», 2023, 51, Article number: 103498, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Murad Harasheh; Giovanni Cardillo, The Relevance of Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues in Corporate Valuation: Concepts and Reflections, in: S. Boubaker, TH Le, Green Finance and Sustainable Development Goals, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2023, pp. 239 - 262 [capitolo di libro]

Cardillo Giovanni; Chiappini Helen, The Credit Risk of Sustainable Firms during the Pandemic, «GLOBAL BUSINESS REVIEW», 2022, 23, pp. 1462 - 1480 [articolo]Open Access

Cardillo G.; Onali E.; Torluccio G., Does gender diversity on banks' boards matter? Evidence from public bailouts, «JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE», 2021, 71, Article number: 101560, pp. 201 - 235 [articolo]Open Access

Giovanni Cardillo, Matteo Cotugno, Giuseppe Torluccio, Rischio sistemico e assetti proprietari delle banche europee, «BANCARIA», 2020, 9, pp. 30 - 44 [articolo]

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