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Gioia Laura Iannilli

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-FIL/04 Aesthetics


Iannilli, Gioia Laura, Everyday Aesthetics: Institutionalization and "Normative Turn", «PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICS», 2016, 8, pp. 269 - 287 [Scientific article]

Iannilli, G.L., John Dewey e Nelson Goodman: la paideia artistica come risonanza operativa, in: Dall'arte all'esperienza. John Dewey nell'estetica contemporanea., Milano, Udine, Mimesis, 2015, pp. 87 - 102 [Chapter or essay]

Iannilli G.L., The Aesthechnics of Everyday life: Suggestions for a Reconsideration of Aesthetics in the Age of Wearable Technologies, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR AESTHETICS», 2015, 7, pp. 280 - 296 [Scientific article]

Iannilli G.L., Interfacing Everydayness. From Distance to Use, Through the Cartographic Paradigm, «AISTHESIS», 2014, 7, pp. 63 - 72 [Scientific article]