Foto del docente

Giliberto Capano

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-02/A Political Science

Curriculum vitae

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Giliberto CAPANO is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy. He has been (2003-2009) the Dean of Bologna University's II Faculty of Political Sciences (located on the Forlì campus). He has been the Editor  of the Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche (Italian Journal of Public Policy) and he is co-editor of Policy & Society. He has been  member of the Executive Committee of the International Political Science Association (2009-2014) and of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium of Political Research  (2018-2024). In 2014 he has been one of the 12 founders of the  International  Public Policy Association.

He specializes in public administration, public policy analysis, and comparative higher education. His research focuses on governance dynamics and performance in higher education and education, policy design and policy change, policy instruments’ impact and performance, the social role of political science, the policy impact of Covid-19, and leadership as an embedded function of policy making.

He has (co-)authored eleven  monographical studies and (co-)edited seventeen  books,  while his work in English has been published in several books and in journals such as: Journal of Legislative Studies, Higher Education, Higher Education Policy, Higher Education Quarterly, Public Administration, Southern European Society and Politics, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Journal of European Public Policy, Comparative Education Review, Policy and Society, Contemporary Italian Politics, European Political Science, Policy Sciences, Public Policy and Administration; Journal of Public Policy; Regulation & Governance; European Policy Analysis, Policy & Politics; Political Studies Review, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Review of Policy Research; International Journal of Administrative Sciences; Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy; Policy Design and Practice.

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