Foto del docente

Gianluca Giacchi


Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MAT/05 ANALISI MATEMATICA

Contenuti utili

Notes of Discrete Potential Theory

My notes for the Ph.D. course "Discrete Potential Theory" held by Prof. Nicola Arcozzi (a.y. 2021/22). Discrete Potential Theory (PDF)

Notes of Variational Calculus

This work contains the transcription of the notes of the lectures of Calcolo delle Variazioni held at Università Statale di Milano. As these notes weren't initially designed to the students, I did a few additions and modifications in order to standardise the notation to that of the courses I previously ...

Notes for the seminar: "The inverse problem in Compressed Sensing"

Compressed Sensing (CS) is a well established theory involving many areas of modern research. It concerns a family of theoretical techniques and numerical algorithms aimed to recover sparse signals by a partial knowledge of their coefficients. This process is carried out through minimization problems ...

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