Foto del docente

Giancarlo Succi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria

Settore scientifico disciplinare: INFO-01/A Informatica

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Informatica

Contenuti utili

Topics for thesis

These are the open topics for thesis with Prof. Succi. If you are interested, please send him a message on telegram / email.

  • Analysis of the work of the brain while programming, also in comparison with other artistic and creative disciplines
  • Applying statistical meta-analysis to software projects
  • Applying the psychological and sociological systemic theory to software firms
  • Architecture-based domains development
  • Artificial intelligence to predict the evolution of the stock market
  • Artificial intelligence in the insurance industry
  • Automatic identification and profiling of developers using machine learning and statistics based on data collected non invasively
  • Brain-computer interfaces for software development
  • Design pattern detection
  • Emotions and motivations while developing software
  • Enhancements of Dashboards for Metrics Collection
  • Ethnographics for software development Extended mind in software development
  • Impulsive/Reactive models of thinking in software
  • Machine learning in software production
  • Mobile application to analyse the work of developers -- Android version
  • Mobile application to analyse the work of developers -- iPhone version
  • Mobile application to analyse the work of developers -- Windows version
  • Modeling the mind of developers
  • No-code development
  • On the nature of software metrics and how they can be used in data science and machine learning
  • Open source models of development
  • Pair programming
  • Practical profiling of agile companies using questionnaires and surveys
  • Profiling domains for exploring product features
  • Social influence and code reviews
  • Software as telling a story
  • Systemic theory for describing software teams
  • Teams dynamics for steering projects
  • The role of drawings in software
  • The role of taking notes in software
  • Understanding communication problems in sofware teams -- theory, statistical analysis, applications
  • Using metrics to predict the behaviour of software products
  • Using AI and cognitive models in software development
  • Word-processing engine for categorisation of user activities in browser via tab name