Foto del docente

Giovanni Angelini

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: SECS-P/05 Econometrics


Bernini C, Guizzardi A, Angelini G, Developing a composite indicator of residents’ well-being: the case of the Romagna area, in: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Heidelberg, International Series, Springer, 2014, pp. 1 - 10 [Chapter or essay]

Giovanni Angelini, Estimation of Quasi Rational DSGE Models, in: ISF 2014, 2014, pp. 114 - 114 (atti di: The 34th International Symposium on Forecasting, Rotterdam, June 29–July 2, 2014) [Abstract]

Giovanni Angelini; Cristina Bernini; Andrea Guizzardi, Comparing weighting systems in the measurement of subjective well-being, «STATISTICA», 2013, 73, pp. 143 - 163 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cristina Bernini; Andrea Guizzardi; Giovanni Angelini, DEA-like model and common weights approach for the construction of a subjective community well-being indicator, «SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH», 2013, 114, pp. 405 - 424 [Scientific article]

Bernini cristina; Guizzardi Andrea; Angelini Giovanni, Developing a composite indicator of resident well-being: the case of the Romagna area, in: Statistics in the 150 years from Italian Unification - Book of Short Paper, Bologna, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM, 2011, pp. 58 - 62 (QUADERNI DI DIPARTIMENTO. SERIE RICERCHE) [Chapter or essay]

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