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Francesco Teodori

Ricercatore confermato

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale


Isolan, L.; Sumini, M.*; Teodori, F.; Bradley, D.; Jafari, S.; Mariotti, F.; Buontempo, F., Dosimetric analysis and experimental setup design for in-vivo irradiation with a Plasma Focus device, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2019, 155, pp. 17 - 21 [articolo]

Teodori, F., The new external dose rate factor generator of the GENII-LIN health physics code, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2019, 155, pp. 107 - 114 [articolo]

Teodori, F, A new nuclide transport model in soil in the GENII-LIN health physics code, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2017, 140, pp. 146 - 149 [articolo]

Molinari, Vincenzo; Teodori, Francesco, Multibody collision contribution to the slowing down of charged particles through metals, «X-RAY SPECTROMETRY», 2015, 44, pp. 149 - 153 [articolo]

F. Teodori;M. Sumini, GENII-LIN project: a multipurpose health physics code to estimate radiation dose and risk from environment contamination, «RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY», 2014, 104, pp. 15 - 22 [articolo]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori; B. Ferrucci; S. Mantovani; G. Magro, ANALISI DELLA QUALITÀ DELL’ARIA NELL’AREA DEL PIEMONTE SUD-ORIENTALE MEDIANTE TECNICHE SPETTROMETRICHE, in: Uno sguardo all'aria 2008, TORINO, Provincia di Torino, 2009, pp. 131 - 140 [capitolo di libro]

F. Teodori; M. Sumini, GENII-LIN-2.1: an open source software system for calculating radiation dose and risk from radionuclides released to the environment, «JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION», 2008, 28, pp. 589 - 601 [articolo]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori, GENII-LIN-2.1, 2007. [software]

A. Fabbri; M. Frignani; S. Mannucci; D. Mostacci; F. Rocchi; M. Sumini; F. Teodori; E. Angeli; A. Tartari; G. Cucchi, Radiation protection of PFMA-1, a Plasma Focus for medical applications, «JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION», 2007, 27, pp. 465 - 470 [articolo]

M. Sumini; G. Magro; S. Scarpanti; F. Teodori, APPLICATION OF A DYNAMIC COMPUTATIONAL GIS MODELLING METHODOLOGY FOR EXPOSURE AND DOSE RISK ASSESSMENT, in: Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Simulation, CALGARY, IASTED, 2006, pp. 43 - 47 (atti di: Second IASTED International Conference on Environmental Modelling and Simulation, St. Thomas, USVI, November 29 - December 1, 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori, GENII-LIN: a Multipurpose Health Physics Code Built on GENII-1.485, «JOURNAL OF SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS», 2006, 4, pp. 36 - 42 [articolo]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori; N. Cantoro, GENII-LIN: an Object Oriented Health Physics Code for the Linux Operating System, in: AMERICAN NUCLEAR SOCIETY, The American Nuclear Society's 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, LA GRANGE PARK, IL, ANS, 2006, ANS 700319, pp. 222 - 232 (atti di: 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, Carlsbad, NM, USA, 2-6 aprile 2006) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori; J. E. Fernandez; V. Molinari, A Multiple Collision and Finite Volume Code for Photon Transport Simulation, in: , «MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS», 2005, 11 (Suppl 2), pp. 1314 - 1315 (atti di: Physical Sciences Symposia - Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 31--August 4, 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

FERNANDEZ J.E; MOLINARI V.G; TEODORI F, Analysis of the Effects of Geometry on the Fluorescence Radiation Field in the Frame of the Transport Theory, «X-RAY SPECTROMETRY», 2005, 34, pp. 7 - 10 [articolo]

M. Sumini; F. Teodori, GENII-LIN, 2005. [software]