Understand RALF role as susceptibility factor in plant-pathogen interaction trough characterization of RALF RNAi strawberry plants. Study of RALF transcriptional regulation trough promoter cloning and characterization using GUS- reporter gene assay. Characterization of the interaction between Rapid Alkalinization Factor (RALF) and its receptor FERONIA in strawberry.
- Strawberry Agroinfilitration technique, promoter characterization trough GUS reporter gene histochemical staining assay, F. vesca cultivation from in vitro seed germination.
- protein expressing constructs cloning using Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC) technique, Protein expression in E. coli heterologous system, Ion exchange Chromatography, Affinity Chromatography and Reverse Phase Chromatogrphy protein prutification.
- Gene expression Analysis using qRTPCR and ddPCR. Copy number variation analysis in transgenic plant using ddPCR. Cloning using Standard T4 Ligase and Gateway technology. RNAi transgenic plants characterization : phenotyping and genotyping analyses. in vitro tissue culture, micropropagation, molecular pathogen detection by plant DNA extraction by quantitative RT-PCR and digital droplet PCR. Pathogenicity assay in strawberry with C. acutatum and B. cinerea.