Foto del docente

Francesca Ingravallo

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-25/A Forensic Medicine


Zullo, Silvia; Ingravallo, Francesca; Crespi, Vittorio; Cascioli, Marta; D'Alessandro, Roberto; Gasperini, Marcella; Lalli, Chiara; Lugaresi, Alessandra; Marogna, Maura; Mori, Maurizio; Pesci, Ilaria; Pistoia, Francesca; Porteri, Corinna; Vedovello, Marcella; Veronese, Simone; Pucci, Eugenio; Solari, Alessandra, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with neurological disorders: an urgent need to enhance the health care system's preparedness, «NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2021, 2021, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Riccioni L.; Ingravallo F.; Grasselli G.; Mazzon D.; Cingolani E.; Forti G.; Zagrebelsky V.; Zoja R.; Petrini F., The Italian document: decisions for intensive care when there is an imbalance between care needs and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic, «ANNALS OF INTENSIVE CARE», 2021, 11, Article number: 100 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Korfage I.J.; Carreras G.; Arnfeldt Christensen C.M.; Billekens P.; Bramley L.; Briggs L.; Bulli F.; Caswell G.; Cerv B.; van Delden J.J.M.; Deliens L.; Dunleavy L.; Eecloo K.; Gorini G.; Groenvold M.; Hammes B.; Ingravallo F.; Jabbarian L.J.; Kars M.C.; Kodba-Ceh H.; Lunder U.; Miccinesi G.; Mimic A.; Ozbic P.; Seymour J.; Simonic A.; Johnsen A.T.; Toccafondi A.; Payne S.A.; Polinder S.; Pollock K.; Preston N.J.; Verkissen M.N.; Wilcock A.; Zwakman M.; van derHeide A.; Rietjens J.A.C., Advance care planning in patients with advanced cancer: A 6-country, cluster-randomised clinical trial, «PLOS MEDICINE», 2020, 17, Article number: e1003422 , pp. e1003422 - 16 [Scientific article]Open Access

Franceschini C.; Fante C.; Filardi M.; Folli M.C.; Brazzi F.; Pizza F.; D'Anselmo A.; Ingravallo F.; Antelmi E.; Plazzi G., Can a Peer Support the Process of Self-Management in Narcolepsy? A Qualitative Narrative Analysis of a Narcoleptic Patient, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2020, 11, Article number: 1353 , pp. 1353 - 1353 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marieke Zwakman, J. J. M. van Delden, G. Caswell, L. Deliens, F. Ingravallo, L. J. Jabbarian, A. T. Johnsen, I. J. Korfage, A. Mimić, C. Møller Arnfeldt, N. J. Preston, M. C. Kars, ACTION consortium, Content analysis of Advance Directives completed by patients with advanced cancer as part of an Advance Care Planning intervention: insights gained from the ACTION trial, «SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER», 2020, 28, pp. 1513 - 1522 [Scientific article]Open Access


Ingravallo F., Death in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, «THE LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH», 2020, 5, pp. e258 - e258 [Comment or similar]

Preston N.; van Delden J.J.M.; Ingravallo F.; Hughes S.; Hasselaar J.; van der Heide A.; Van den Block L.; Dunleavy L.; Groot M.; Csikos A.; Payne S., Ethical and research governance approval across Europe: Experiences from three European palliative care studies, «PALLIATIVE MEDICINE», 2020, 34, pp. 817 - 821 [Scientific article]Open Access

Franceschini, Christian; Fante, Chiara; Folli, Maria Claudia; Filosa, Maria; Pizza, Fabio; Antelmi, Elena; Ingravallo, Francesca; Plazzi, Giuseppe, Giving a voice to cataplectic experience: recollections from patients with narcolepsy type 1, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE», 2020, 16, pp. 597 - 603 [Scientific article]

Ingravallo F.; Cerquetti I.; Vignatelli L.; Albertini S.; Bolcato M.; Camerlingo M.; Corbi G.; De Leo D.; De Nicolo A.; De Stefano F.; Dell'Erba A.; Di Giulio P.; Domenici R.; Fedeli P.; Feola A.; Ferrara N.; Forti P.; Frigiolini F.; Gianniti P.; Gili E.; Iannone P.; Lovato A.; Lunardelli M.L.; Marengoni A.; Marozzi F.; Martelloni M.; Mecocci P.; Molinelli A.; Polo L.; Portas M.; Rossi P.; Scorretti C.; Trabucchi M.; Volpato S.; Zoja R.; Castellani G.L., Medico-legal assessment of personal damage in older people: report from a multidisciplinary consensus conference, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE», 2020, 134, pp. 2319 - 2334 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ingravallo F.; Vignatelli L.; Pagotto U.; Vandi S.; Moresco M.; Mangiaruga A.; Oriolo C.; Zenesini C.; Pizza F.; Plazzi G., Protocols of a diagnostic study and a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial comparing televisits vs standard in-person outpatient visits for narcolepsy diagnosis and care: TElemedicine for NARcolepsy (TENAR), «BMC NEUROLOGY», 2020, 20, Article number: 176 , pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]Open Access

Castellani, G. L.; Molinelli, A.; Feola, A.; Forti, P.; Lunardelli, M. L.; Vignatelli, L.; Albertini, S.; Bolcato, M.; Camerlingo, M.; Corbi, G.; De Leo, D.; De Nicolo, A.; De Stefano, F.; Dell'Erba, A.; Di Giulio, P.; Domenici, R.; Fedeli, P.; Ferrara, N.; Frigiolini, F.; Gianniti, P.; Gili, E.; Iannone, P.; Lovato, A.; Marengoni, A.; Marozzi, F.; Martelloni, M.; Mecocci, P.; Polo, L.; Portas, M.; Rossi, P.; Scorretti, C.; Trabucchi, M.; Volpato, S.; Zoja, R.; Ingravallo, F., Valutazione medico-legale del danno biologico nella persona anziana. I risultati della consensus conference multidisciplinare, «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI MEDICINA LEGALE E DEL DIRITTO IN CAMPO SANITARIO», 2020, 42, pp. 2219 - 2246 [Scientific article]

Ingravallo, F.; de Nooijer, K.; Pucci, V.; Casini, C.; Miccinesi, G.; Rietjens, J. A. C.; Morino, P., Discussions about palliative sedation in hospice: Frequency, timing and factors associated with patient involvement, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE», 2019, 28, Article number: e13019 , pp. e13019 - 8 [Scientific article]

Mazzotti MC, Scarcella E, D'Antone E, Fersini F, Salsi G, Ingravallo F, Amadasi A, Pelotti S, Italian healthcare professionals' attitude and barriers to mandatory reporting of elder abuse: An exploratory study, «JOURNAL OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE», 2019, 63, pp. 26 - 30 [Scientific article]

Gasparini S.; Beghi E.; Ferlazzo E.; Beghi M.; Belcastro V.; Biermann K.P.; Bottini G.; Capovilla G.; Cervellione R.A.; Cianci V.; Coppola G.; Cornaggia C.M.; De Fazio P.; De Masi S.; De Sarro G.; Elia M.; Erba G.; Fusco L.; Gambardella A.; Gentile V.; Giallonardo A.T.; Guerrini R.; Ingravallo F.; Iudice A.; Labate A.; Lucenteforte E.; Magaudda A.; Mumoli L.; Papagno C.; Pesce G.B.; Pucci E.; Ricci P.; Romeo A.; Quintas R.; Sueri C.; Vitaliti G.; Zoia R.; Aguglia U., Management of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: a multidisciplinary approach, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2019, 26, pp. 205 - 215 [Scientific article]