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Fernanda Odilla Vasconcellos De Figueiredo

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: SPS/04 SCIENZA POLITICA



- Odilla, Fernanda (2024). The Digitalisation of Anti-Corruption in Brazil. Routledge.



- Odilla, Fernanda and Konstantinos Tsimonis. (eds.) (forthcoming). Corruption and Anti-Corruption Upside Down: New Perspectives from the Global South. Palgrave.

- Lagunes, Paul; Fernanda Odilla; Jan Svejnar (eds.). (2021). Corrupção e o escândalo da Lava Jato na América Latina, São Paulo, FGV Editora, pp. 376.


Refereed journal articles

- Odilla, Fernanda and Clarissa dos Santos Veloso. (forthcoming). 'Citizens and their bots that sniff corruption: Using digital media to expose politicians who misuse public money'. American Behavioral Scientist.


- Odilla, Fernanda and Alice Mattoni. (2023). 'Unveiling the layers of data activism: the organising of civic innovation to fight corruption in Brazil'. Big Data & Society 10(2), 1-17.


- Odilla, Fernanda. (2023). 'Bots against corruption: Exploring the benefits and limitations of AI-based anti-corruption technology'. Crime Law Soc Change 80, 353–396 (2023).


- Mattoni, Alice and Fernanda Odilla. (2021). 'Digital Media, Activism, and Social Movements’ Outcomes in the Policy Arena. The Case of Two Anti-Corruption Mobilizations in Brazil'. In PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO, 14(3), 1127–1150.


- Lagunes, Paul; Michener, Gregory; Odilla, Fernanda; Pires, Breno. (2021). 'President Bolsonaro’s Promises and Actions on Corruption Control'. In Rev. Direito GV 17 (2) 2021.


- Odilla, Fernanda. (2020). 'Oversee and Punish: Understanding the Fight Against Corruption Involving Government Workers in Brazil'. In Politics and Governance. Thematic issue: Volume 8, Issue 2 - Fighting Corruption in the Developed World: Dimensions, Patterns, Remedies. Editor(s): Fabrizio Di Mascio (University of Turin, Italy) and Simona Piattoni (University of Trento, Italy).


- Vasconcellos de Figueiredo, Fernanda Odilla. (2016). 'Building Up a Convenient Accountability: How the Anti-Corruption Law in Brazil Was Put Into Force'. In Brasiliana Journal For Brazilian Studies, v. 4, p. 550-578, 2016.


Under review

- Odilla, Fernanda. 'Unfairness in AI anti-corruption tools: main drivers and consequences'. Minds and Machines (under review).


Odilla, Fernanda and Germán Bidegain. 'Innovative but feeble: civil society and political financing accountability in Uruguay'. Journal of Civil Society. (under review).


- Odilla, Fernanda. Making a right turn: connecting online and offline elements of “patriot” camps in Brazil. Social Media + Society (under review).


Chapters in Edited Volumes

- Huss, Oksana, Alice Mattoni and Fernanda Odilla. (forthcoming). 'Political Institutions and the Corruption of Politics'. In Handbook of Comparative Political Institutions (Edward Elgar), edited by Adrian Vatter and Rahel Freiburghaus.


- Odilla, Fernanda. (2024). 'From concerned citizens to civic bots: The bottom-up fight against corruption in Brazil from a longitudinal perspective' in Digital Media and Corruption (Edward Elgar), edited by Alice Mattoni.


- Praça, Sergio, Fernanda Odilla and João V. Guedes-Neto. (2022). 'Patronage Appointments in Brazil, 2011 - 2019' in The Politics of Patronage in Latin America: Trust and Roles in Public Administration (University of Pittsburgh Press), edited by Francisco E. Panizza, B. Guy Peters and Conrado Ramos.


- Odilla, Fernanda and Denisse Rodriguez-Olivari. (2021). 'Corruption control under fire: a brief history of Brazil’s Office of the Comptroller General' in The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin America (Routledge), edited by Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez.


- Odilla, Fernanda (2016). ‘Tamanho Importa na Luta Contra Corrupção? Controles Internos no Legislativo e no Executivo na Esfera Federal [Does size matter in fighting corruption? Internal controls in the federal Legislative and Executive branches in Brazil]’. In Monique Menezes, Barbara Johas e Olívia Peres, Sociedade Civil e Instituições Políticas no Brasil (Civil Society and Political Institutions in Brazil). Edufpi: Piauí.


Other Publications

- Odilla, Fernanda. (2019). ‘Half-way to accountability: the reality behind the increasing number of sanctions enforced against civil servants in Brazil’. In Brazil Business Brief - News from the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in GB. September 2019.


- Odilla, Fernanda. (2017). ‘Greasing Or Slowing The Wheels Of Economic Growth And Politics? Some Possible Consequences Of Fighting Corruption. In Brazil Business Brief - News from the Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in GB. Jan 2017.


- Odilla, Fernanda. (2015). ‘Suit up to go to jail: how the multi-institutional approach against corruption works in Brazil’. In Dialogue King's College London Politics Society. p. 20 - 21, 16 mar. 2015.



- Pizzolato: Não existe plano infalível (LeYa 2014) about the escape and arrest of Henrique Pizzolato, convicted by the Brazilian Supreme Court for corruption and money laundering.

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