Foto del docente

Federica Provini

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-12/A Neurology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Neurophysiopathology techniques


A. Errani; E. Parma; A. Posar; F. Provini; A. Parmeggiani, Episodi parossistici nel sonno: diagnosi differenziale, in: Riunione Policentrica in Epilettologia, ROMA, s.n, 2006(atti di: Lega Italiana contro l'Epilessia, Riunione Policentrica in Epilettologia, Roma, 19-20 gennaio 2006) [Abstract]

Vignatelli L.; Bisulli F.; Naldi I.; Ferioli S.; Pittau F.; Provini F.; Plazzi G.; Vetrugno R.; Montagna P.; Tinuper P., Excessive daytime sleepiness and subjective sleep quality in patients with nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy: a case-control study., «EPILEPSIA», 2006, 47, pp. 73 - 77 [Scientific article]

Scaglione C.; Vetrugno R.; Plazzi G.; Provini F.; Montagna P.; Martinelli P., IB autogenic inhibition in primary restless legs syndrome, in: , «NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2006, 27, pp. S101 - S101 (atti di: XXXVII Congress of the Italian Neurological Society, Bari, 14-18 ottobre 2006) [Abstract]

Bisulli F.; Vignatelli L.; Provini F.; Pittau F.; Naldi I.; Zaniboni A.; Montagna P.; Tinuper P., Interobserver reliability of video-polysomnographic diagnosis of Nocturnal Frontal Lobe seizures., in: Abstracts from the 7th European Congress on Epileptology - International League against Epilepsy, s.l, s.n, 2006, pp. 113 - 113 (atti di: 7th European Congress on Epileptology, Helsinki, Finland, 2-6 July 2006) [Abstract]

Lombardi C.; Castiglioni P.; Cortelli P.; Provini F.; Vetrugno R.; Plazzi G.; Vignatelli L.; Di Rienzo M.; Lugaresi E.; Mancia G.; Montagna P.; Parati G.P., Nocturnal baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability are markers of excessive daytime sleepiness in sleep related breathing disorders., in: , «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2006, 13(suppl.2), pp. 155 - 155 (atti di: 10th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Glasgow, UK, September 2-5, 2006) [Abstract]

Vetrugno R.; Manconi M.; Ferini-Strambi L.; Provini F.; Plazzi G.; Montagna P., Nocturnal eating: sleep-related eating disorder or night eating syndrome? A videopolysomnographic study., «SLEEP», 2006, 29, pp. 949 - 954 [Scientific article]

Montagna P.; Bisulli F.; Naldi I.; Vignatelli L.; Provini F.; Plazzi G.; Vetrugno R.; Tinuper P., Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy and arousal disorders: chance association or common mechanisms?, in: , «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2006, 15(suppl. 1), pp. 24 - 24 (atti di: 18th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Innsbruck, Austria, September 12-16, 2006) [Abstract]

Vetrugno R.; Contin M.; Baruzzi A.; Provini F.; Plazzi G.; Montagna P., Polisomnographic and pharmacokinetic findings in levodopa-induced augmentation of restless legs syndrome., «MOVEMENT DISORDERS», 2006, 21, pp. 254 - 258 [Scientific article]

Pietro Cortelli; Daniela Perani; Pasquale Montagna; Roberto Gallassi; Paolo Tinuper; Provini Federica; Patrizia Avoni; Franco Ferrillo; Davide Anchisi; Rosa Maria Moresco; Ferruccio Fazio; Piero Parchi; Agostino Baruzzi; Elio Lugaresi; Pierluigi Gambetti, Pre-symptomatic diagnosis in fatal familial insomnia: serial neurophysiological and 18FDG-PET studies, «BRAIN», 2006, 129, pp. 668 - 675 [Scientific article]

Montagna P.; Provini F.; Vetrugno R., Propriospinal mycolonus at sleep onset., «NEUROPHYSIOLOGIE CLINIQUE-CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY», 2006, 36, pp. 351 - 355 [Scientific article]

Vetrugno R.; Provini F.; Montagna P., Restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements., «REVIEWS IN NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES», 2006, 3, pp. 61 - 70 [Scientific article]

Pierangeli G.; Montagna P.; Barletta G.; Provini F.; Plazzi G.; Vetrugno R.; Guaraldi P.; Zaniboni A.; Vandi S.; Zanigni S.; Ribani M.A.; Marchetta F.; Portaluppi F.; Cortelli P., Seeking a central autonomic hallmark in early hypertensive patients: a study of circadian rhythms and state-dependent variations of blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), body core temperature (BCT)., in: , «NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2006, 27, pp. S281 - S281 (atti di: XXXVII Congress of the Italian Neurological Society, Bari, 14-18 ottobre 2006) [Abstract]

Provini F.; Vetrugno R.; Lugaresi E.; Montagna P., Sleep-related breathing disorders and headache., «NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2006, 27, pp. S149 - 152 [Scientific article]

Provini F.; Albani F.; Vetrugno R.; Vignatelli L.; Lombardi C.; Plazzi G.; Montagna P., A pilot double-blind placebo-controlled trial of low-dose pramipexole in sleep-related eating disorder., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2005, 12, pp. 432 - 436 [Scientific article]

E. Magosso; F. Provini; P. Montagna; M. Ursino, Automatic detection of slow eye movements by discrete wavelet transform, in: , «IFMBE PROCEEDINGS (CD)», 2005(atti di: 3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, IFMBE European Conference on Biomedical Engineering (EMBEC '05), Praga, Repubblica Ceca, 20-25 novembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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