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Fabrizio Ferrè

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-08/A Biologia molecolare


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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Via A.*, Ferrè F.*, Brannetti B., Valencia A., Helmer Citterich M. “3D view of the surface motif associated to the ploop structure: cis and trans cases of convergent evolution” Journal of Molecular Biology 303, 455-465 (2000) (* equal contribution)

Via A., Ferrè F., Brannetti B., Helmer Citterich M. “Protein surface similarities: a survey of methods to describe and compare protein surfaces” Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 57, 1970-1977 (2000)

Puntervoll P., Linding R., Gemünd C., Chabanis-Davidson S., Mattingsdal M., Cameron S., Martin D.M.A., Ausiello G., Brannetti B.,Costantini A., Ferrè F., Maselli V., Via A., Cesareni G., Diella F.,Superti-Furga G., Wyrwicz L., Ramu C., McGuigan C., Gudavalli R.,Letunic I., Bork P., Rychlewski L., Küster B., Helmer Citterich M.,Hunter W.N., Aasland R., Gibson T.J. "The ELM server: A new resource for investigating short functional sites in modular eukaryotic proteins” Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3625-30 (2003)

Ferrè F.*, Via A.*, Ausiello G., Brannetti B., Zanzoni A., Helmer Citterich M. "Development of computational tools for the inference of protein interaction specificity rules and functional annotation using structural information" Comparative and Functional Genomics 4: 416-419. (2003) (* equal contribution)

Ferrè F., Ausiello G., Helmer Citterich M. “SURFACE: a database of protein surface regions for functional annotation” Nucleic Acids Research 32 (Database issue) D240-4. (2004)