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Fabio Zagonari

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-01/A Economia politica

Curriculum vitae


1985 - Diploma in violin at the Conservatoire ''G.B.Martini'' in Bologna (Italy)

1990 - Degree in Economics (cum laude) at the Università di Bologna (Italy) - Thesis title: ''Nuove forme di credito per il sostegno ad un processo di sviluppo economico (New Kinds Of Credits For A Development Process)''

1993 - M.Phil. in Economics of Developing Countries at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom)

1994 - Ph.D. in Economics at the Università di Ancona (Italy) - Thesis title: ''Preferenze e decisioni: quando l'apprendimento approssima i modelli positivi ai modelli normativi (Preferences And Decisions: When Learning Makes Positive Models Approach Normative Models)"


Foreign direct investment vs. cross-border trade in environmental services with ethical spillovers: a theoretical model based on panel data, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy (2020)

Environmental sustainability is not worth pursuing unless it is achieved for ethical reasons, Nature – Palgrave Communications (2020)

Comparing religious environmental ethics to support efforts to achieve local and global sustainability: empirical insights based on a theoretical framework, Sustainability (2020)

(with C.Rossi) A spatial decision support system for optimally locating treatment plants for safe wastewater reuse: an application to Saudi Arabia, Desalination and Water Treatment (2020)

(Moral) philosophy and (moral) theology can function as (behavioral) science: a methodological framework for interdisciplinary research, Quality & Quantity (2019)

Scientific Production and Productivity for Characterizing an Author’s Publication History: Simple and Nested Gini’s and Hirsch’s Indexes Combined, Publications (2019)

Multi-Criteria, Cost-Benefit, and Life-Cycle Analyses for Decision-Making to Support Responsible, Sustainable, and Alternative Tourism, Sustainability (2019)

Scholarships vs. training for happiness gained from an education in creativity: a dynamic analytical model, Higher Education Quarterly (2019)

Learning and dynamic choices under uncertainty: from weighted regret and rejoice to expected utility, Managerial and Decision Economics (2019)

Coping with the inequity and inefficiency of the H-index: a cross-disciplinary analytical model, Publishing Research Quarterly (2019)

Responsibility, inequality, efficiency, and equity in four sustainability paradigms: insights for the global environment from a cross-development analytical model, Environment, Development and Sustainability (2018)

Combining econometric, cost–benefit, and financial methodologies in a framework to increase diffusion and to predict the feasibility and sustainability of irrigation schemes: a case study in Kurdistan, Iraq, Water (2017)

Responsibility, inequality, efficiency, and equity in four sustainability paradigms: Policies for a shared sea from a multi-country analytical model, Marine Policy (2017)

Coherence, causality, and effectiveness of the EU environmental policy system: results of complementary statistical and econometric analyses, Environmental and Resource Economics (2017)

A non-probabilistic methodology for reliable sustainability planning: An application to the Iraqi national irrigation system, Applied Mathematical Modelling (2016)

Four sustainability paradigms for environmental management: a methodological analysis and an empirical study based on 30 Italian industries, Sustainability, 8 (2016)

Using ecosystem services in decision-making to support sustainable development: critiques, model development, a case study, and perspectives, Science of the Total Environment, 548-549 (2016) 25-32

Choosing among weight-estimation methods for multi-criterion analysis: a case study for the design of multi-purpose offshore platforms, Applied Soft Computing, 39 (2016) 1-10

Which attitudes will make us individually and socially happier and healthier? A cross-culture and cross-development analytical model, Journal of Happiness Studies, X (2015)

Technology improvements and value changes for sustainable happiness: A cross-development analytical model, Sustainability Science, X (2015)

(with C.Rossi) A Negotiation Support System for disputes between Iraq and Turkey over the Tigris-Euphrates basin, Journal of Hydrology, 514 (2014) 65-84

(with C.Rossi) A heterogeneous multi-criteria multi-expert decision-support system for scoring combinations of flood mitigation and recovery options, Environmental Modelling & Software, 49 (2013) 152-165

Implementing a trans-boundary flood risk management plan: the case of the Scheldt estuary, Natural Hazards, 6 (2013) 1101-1133

An optimisation model for Integrated Coastal Management: development and application to Italy's Comacchio municipality, Environmental Modelling & Assessment, 18 (2012)

An optimisation model for integrated urban planning: development and application to Algeria's Reghaїa and Heraoua municipalities, Environmental Management, 47 (2011) 937-959

Which ethics will make us individually and socially happier? Journal of Happiness Studies, 12 (2011) 77-103

Sustainable, just, equal, and optimal groundwater management strategies to cope with climate change: insights from Brazil, Water Resources Management, 24 (2010) 3731-3756

Balancing tourism education and training, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28 (2009) 2-9

Integrated coastal management: top-down vs. community-based approaches, Journal of Environmental Management, 88 (2008) 796-804

(with A.Chirco and L.Lambertini) How Demand Affects Optimal Prices and Product Differentiation, Papers in Regional Science, 82 (2003) 555-568

A note on Bhagwati's ''On thinking clearly about the linkage between trade and environment'', Environment and Development Economics, 5 (2000) 525-529

International pollution problems: unilateral initiatives by environmental groups in one country, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 3 (1998) 315-326

Tropical deforestation: debt-for-nature vs. debt-for-development swaps, Environment and Development Economics, 3 (1998) 269-295

Decision making processes under uncertainty: an econometric analysis, Economic Journal, 105 (1995) 1403-1414