Postiglione E.; Pizza F.; Ingravallo F.; Vignatelli L.; Filardi M.; Mangiaruga A.; Antelmi E.; Moresco M.; Oriolo C.; Pagotto U.; Plazzi G., Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on narcolepsy type 1 management, «BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR», 2021, 11, Article number: e01955, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access
Mogavero M.P.; Cosentino F.I.I.; Lanuzza B.; Tripodi M.; Lanza G.; Arico D.; Delrosso L.M.; Pizza F.; Plazzi G.; Ferri R., Increased Serum Prolactin and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: An Attempt of Proof-of-Concept Study, «BRAIN SCIENCES», 2021, 11, Article number: 1574, pp. 1574 - 1574 [articolo]Open Access
Ambati A.; Hillary R.; Leu-Semenescu S.; Ollila H.M.; Lin L.; During E.H.; Farber N.; Rico T.J.; Faraco J.; Leary E.; Goldstein-Piekarski A.N.; Huang Y.-S.; Han F.; Sivan Y.; Lecendreux M.; Dodet P.; Honda M.; Gadoth N.; Nevsimalova S.; Pizza F.; Kanbayashi T.; Peraita-Adrados R.; Leschziner G.D.; Hasan R.; Canellas F.; Kume K.; Daniilidou M.; Bourgin P.; Rye D.; Vicario J.L.; Hogl B.; Hong S.C.; Plazzi G.; Mayer G.; Landtblom A.M.; Dauvilliers Y.; Arnulf I.; Mignot E.J.-M., Kleine-Levin syndrome is associated with birth difficulties and genetic variants in the TRANK1 gene loci, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2021, 118, Article number: e2005753118, pp. e2005753118 - e2005753118 [articolo]
Pensato U.; Pizza F.; Plazzi G., Myasthenic or cataplectic facies? Ice pack test response in paediatric type 1 narcolepsy, «SLEEP MEDICINE», 2021, 87, pp. 20 - 21 [replica/breve intervento]
Lividini A.; Pizza F.; Filardi M.; Vandi S.; Ingravallo F.; Antelmi E.; Bruni O.; Cosentino F.I.I.; Ferri R.; Guarnieri B.; Marelli S.; Ferini-Strambi L.; Romigi A.; Bonanni E.; Maestri M.; Terzaghi M.; Manni R.; Plazzi G., Narcolepsy type 1 features across the life span: Age impact on clinical and polysomnographic phenotype, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE», 2021, 17, pp. 1363 - 1370 [articolo]
Giannoccaro M.P.; Pizza F.; Jacobson L.; Liguori R.; Plazzi G.; Vincent A., Neuronal surface antibodies are common in children with narcolepsy and active movement disorders, «JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY», 2021, 92, pp. 111 - 112 [replica/breve intervento]
Zhang, Zhongxing; Gool, Jari; Fronczek, Rolf; Dauvilliers, Yves; Bassetti, Claudio L A; Mayer, Geert; Plazzi, Giuseppe; Pizza, Fabio; Santamaria, Joan; Partinen, Markku; Overeem, Sebastiaan; Peraita-Adrados, Rosa; da Silva, Antonio Martins; Sonka, Karel; Del Rio-Villegas, Rafael; Heinzer, Raphael; Wierzbicka, Aleksandra; Young, Peter; Högl, Birgit; Manconi, Mauro; Feketeova, Eva; Mathis, Johannes; Paiva, Teresa; Canellas, Francesca; Lecendreux, Michel; Baumann, Christian R; Lammers, Gert Jan; Khatami, Ramin, New 2013 incidence peak in childhood narcolepsy: more than vaccination?, «SLEEP», 2021, 44, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]
Christensen J.A.E.; Cesari M.; Pizza F.; Antelmi E.; Frandsen R.A.V.; Plazzi G.; Jennum P., Nocturnal eye movements in patients with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder and patients with Parkinson’s disease, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2021, 30, pp. e13125 - e13125 [articolo]
Rossi S.; Asioli G.M.; Rizzo G.; Sallemi G.; Moresco M.; Franceschini C.; Pizza F.; Plazzi G., Onset of narcolepsy type 1 in a paraneoplastic encephalitis associated with a thymic seminoma, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE», 2021, 17, pp. 2557 - 2560 [articolo]
Ægidius, Helene M; Kruse, Lars; Christensen, Gitte L; Lorentzen, Marc P; Jørgensen, Niklas R; Moresco, Monica; Pizza, Fabio; Plazzi, Giuseppe; Jennum, Poul J; Kornum, Birgitte R, Pre-treatment of blood samples reveal normal blood hypocretin/orexin signal in narcolepsy type 1, «BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS», 2021, 3, Article number: fcab050, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Antelmi E.; Filardi M.; Pizza F.; Vandi S.; Moresco M.; Franceschini C.; Tinazzi M.; Ferri R.; Plazzi G., REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in Children With Type 1 Narcolepsy Treated With Sodium Oxybate, «NEUROLOGY», 2021, 96, pp. e250 - e254 [articolo]Open Access
Giannoccaro M.P.; Liguori R.; Plazzi G.; Pizza F., Reviewing the clinical implications of treating narcolepsy as an autoimmune disorder, «NATURE AND SCIENCE OF SLEEP», 2021, 13, pp. 557 - 577 [articolo]Open Access
Mignot E.; Zeitzer J.; Pizza F.; Plazzi G., Sleep Problems in Narcolepsy and the Role of Hypocretin/Orexin Deficiency, Basel, Steiner M.A., Yanagisawa M., Clozel M., 2021, pp. 14 . [libro]Open Access
Capelli I.; Pizza F.; Ruggeri M.; Gasperoni L.; Carretta E.; Donati G.; Cianciolo G.; Plazzi G.; La Manna G., Time evolution of restless legs syndrome in haemodialysis patients, «CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL», 2021, 14, pp. 341 - 347 [articolo]Open Access
Posar A, Visconti P, Blunda V, Pizza F, Plazzi G., Autism Spectrum Disorder and Narcolepsy: A Possible Connection That Deserves to Be Investigated., «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY», 2020, 11, Article number: 265, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access