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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
Melis, A.,Medas, B., Sabatini, F., Rolla, C., Moro, M. (2022 - to be published), Weaving | Entanglement. An unconventional dialogue of Italy and New Zealand over heritage, landscape and architecture. Imola: Maretti Editore.
Boeri, A., Longo, D., Massari, M., Sabatini, F., & Trimarchi, M. (2021). From Hierarchical Convergence to Reticular Expansion: Urban Dynamics Through Alice’s Mirror. diid—disegno industriale industrial design, 73.
Boeri, A., Longo, D., Massari, M., Roversi, R., and Sabatini, F. (2020), Commoning in the practice of urban governance. An experience from OBRAS project, Agathon, 8, pp. 180-187
Sabatini, F., & Trimarchi, M. (2020), Challenging spaces and formats of culture in the city: highlights on the future of cultural heritage management, European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy, 10:1, pp. 19-31.
Sabatini, F., (2019), Culture as fourth pillar of sustainable development: perspectives for integration, paradigms of action, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8:3, pp. 31-40.
Sabatini, F., & Trimarchi M. (2019), How did Adriano Olivetti influence John Ruskin, Restauro, Special Issue.
Sabatini F., & Trimarchi M. (2019), Regulating the stage: storms, wrecks and lifebelts in the Italian experience, Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 5:2, pp.105-120.
Sabatini, F. (2021), L'infrastruttura culturale: un reticolo di connessioni urbane, in Bottoni, G., Del Bono, M, & Trimarchi, M. (eds.), Lo spettatore virale: palcoscenici, pubblici, pandemia, pp. 125-137, Milano: Franco Angeli.
Sabatini F. (2020), Commoning the stage: the complex semantics of the theatre commons, in Macrì, E., Morea, V. & Trimarchi, M. (eds), Cultural commons and urban dynamics: a multidisciplinary perspective, pp. 53-78, Cham (Switzerland): Springer.
Sabatini, F., & Trimarchi, M. (2019), Dal grand tour al turismo musicale: la cultura come itinerario, in Friel, M. (ed.), Note in viaggio: reti e strategie per il turismo musicale in Italia, pp. 129-142, Padova: Marsilio Editori.
Sabatini, F. (2021), When opera met the city: emerging intersections between culture and people in urban transformation, in Badini et al. (eds.), CHANCES: practices, spaces and buildings in cities' transformation, pp. 150-163.
Sabatini, F., & Trimarchi, M. (2019), Regulating the stage: storms, wrecks and lifebelts in the Italian experience, in G. T. Papanikos (ed.), 4th Annual International Symposium on Culture and Civilization, 10-13 June 2019, Athens, Greece, Abstract book.