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Eve Buland


Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IUS/14 DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA


4. Buland È., "La protection du bien-être animal au prisme de l'interdiction de détention des animaux sauvages 'de compagnie': Could the EU Walk on the Wild Side?" in Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, janvier-mars 2024, 67 - 94;

3. Buland È., Fiorentini A., "The Day After the CoFoE (Act II): the EU Treaty Revision at the Mercy of Enlargement?",2024, BlogAISDUE;

2. Fiorentini A., Buland È., "The Day After the CoFoE: Is the EU Ready for a Revision of the Treaty?", in Quaderni AISDUE, 2022, pp. 295-300;

1. Buland È., "Sensibilité(s) européenne(s) et sensibilité animale: l'affaire Centraal Isräelitisch Consistorie van België e.a", in European Papers, Vol. 6, 2021, pp. 57 - 67.

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