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Eugenia Pesci

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali


Pesci, E. Making sense of Kyrgyzstan’s employment paradox, Idäntutkimus, 3(2024) (in Finnish);

Pesci, E. (03 September 2024). “If you are able to work, you must work”. The shift from Welfare to Workfare in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Link [] ;

Pesci, E. (27 May 2024). Behind the May 18 violent outburst in Kyrgyzstan: between the privatization of higher education and the exploitative nature of the garment industry, ;

Pesci, E. (2024). ’Koshumcha’ in Ledeneva A., Teague E., Matijevic P., Moisé G.M., Majda P., Toqmadi M. (eds.) The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality. Volume 3. London: UCL Press;

Pesci, E., & Dzhamangulov, K. (2023). Active Labour Market Policies in the Kyrgyz Republic: Addressing Employment Barriers for a More Inclusive Labour Market? OSCE Academy Policy Brief #90, Link [] ;

Pesci, E. (2022). Urban Informality and Development, in: Informality, World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence Team, Link [] .

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