Fabio Furini; Enrico Malaguti, Models for the two-dimensional two-stage cutting stock problem with multiple stock size, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2013, 40, pp. 1953 - 1962 [articolo]
J. Duives; A. Lodi; E. Malaguti, Test-Assignment: A Quadratic Coloring Problem, «JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS», 2013, 19, pp. 549 - 564 [articolo]
Caprara A.; Furini F.; Malaguti E., Uncommon Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation for the Temporal Knapsack Problem, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2013, 25, pp. 560 - 571 [articolo]
F. Furini; E. Malaguti; R. Medina Durán; A. Persiani; P. Toth, A Column Generation Heuristic for the Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem with Multiple Stock Size, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2012, 218, pp. 251 - 260 [articolo]
F. Furini; E. Malaguti, Exact weighted vertex coloring via branch-and-price, «DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION», 2012, 9, pp. 130 - 136 [articolo]
A. Caprara; E. Malaguti; P. Toth, A Freight Service Design Problem for a Railway Corridor, «TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE», 2011, 45, pp. 147 - 162 [articolo]
E. Malaguti; M. Monaci; P. Toth, An exact approach for the Vertex Coloring Problem, «DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION», 2011, 8, pp. 174 - 190 [articolo]
M. Bergner; A. Caprara; F. Furini; M. Lübbecke; E. Malaguti; E. Traversi, Partial Convexification of General MIPs by Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulation, in: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2011, pp. 39 - 51 (LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE) [capitolo di libro]
E.Malaguti; P.Toth, A Survey on Vertex Coloring Problems, «INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2010, 17, pp. 1 - 34 [articolo]
A.E. Fernandes-Muritiba;M. Iori;E. Malaguti;P. Toth, Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2010, 22, pp. 401 - 415 [articolo]
A. Lodi; E. Malaguti; N.E. Stier-Moses, Efficient and Fair Routing for Mesh Networks, «MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING», 2010, 124, pp. 285 - 316 [articolo]
A. Caprara; E. Malaguti; P. Toth, A Service Design Problem for a Railway Network, in: Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), PISA, s.n, 2009, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: International Network Optimization Conference 2009 (INOC 2009), Pisa, 26-29 Aprile 2009) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
E.Malaguti; M.Monaci; P.Toth, Models and Heuristic Algorithms for a Weighted Vertex Coloring Problem, «JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS», 2009, 15, pp. 503 - 526 [articolo]
E. Malaguti, The Vertex Coloring Problem and Its Generalizations, «4OR», 2009, 7, pp. 101 - 104 [replica/breve intervento]
E. Malaguti; M.Monaci; P.Toth, A Metaheuristic Approach for the Vertex Coloring Problem, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2008, 20, pp. 302 - 316 [articolo]