Foto del docente

Enrico Giampieri

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: PHYS-06/A Fisica per le scienze della vita, l’ambiente e i beni culturali

Curriculum vitae

Enrico Giampieri was born in Ancona (Italy) in 12/24/1983. He got a master in Physics at the university of Bologna with maximum votes cum laude, presenting the thesis “development of an evolution model for complex networks based on cellular switches memory properties”. During this work, under the guidance of Dr. Castellani and Dr. Remondini, Dr. Giampieri studied and detailed topics of biophysics inspired from the Prof Leon N. Cooper's theory of synaptic plasticity.

Subsequently he got a PHD fellowship in the same university and is currently working with the group of Dr. Castellani, studying data analysis and biophysical models of cellular functions. In detail Dr. Giampieri is studying mathematical and computational techniques to approach stochastic differential equation and multivariate analysis for biomedical application.

During his PHD Dr. Giampieri worked several months at the Computer Laboratory of the Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK) and the Physics Dept. of the Brown University (Providence, RI). He has recently completed his Phd with the thesis “Stochastic models and dynamic measures for the characterization of bistable circuits in cellular biophysics”, and won a postdoctoral fellowship at the Bologna University on stochastic modeling and data analysis for system medicine.

He has been a Post-doc fellow at the Physics Dept. at the University of Bologna, from 2012 to 2017.
During his post-doctoral fellowship he developed theoretical and numerical methods for data analysis for high-throughput data in biology, applying these techniques in european projects like MARK-AGE, NU-AGE, MIMOMICS, INTEROMICS, MISSION-T2D, FIBEBIOTICS and PROPAGAGING.
In 2015 he becomes Data Manager for the NU-AGE and the PROAGE projects.

He is currently a temporary junior research fellow at the Physics Dept. at the University of Bologna.

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