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Emanuele Mingione

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Matematica


Final grades after 06/06/2018 exam

Students who had the final exam on 06/06/18 can find the total grade at [http://http//] .

It is possible to see the written exams on Monday 25 June at 11am, at Mathematics Departement, ground floor, ufficio assegnisti. Solutions of the exam are avaible here

If you want to reject your grade, please write us an e-mail by Monday 25 June. If we don't receive anything by that date we will register your grade.

Some students are asked to do an oral exam: you can write us an e-mail and come on Monday 25 June at 11am, otherwise the exam will be considered failed.

Pubblicato il: 08 giugno 2018