Foto del docente

Elena Sychenko

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Curriculum vitae

Elena Sychenko received her PhD degree from the University of Catania in 2016, a master degree with honours from Saint Petersburg State University in 2004. Her interests include the following topics: business and human rights, human rights instruments for the protection of workers’ rights, employee’s dignity, protection from harassment. During the last five years she published about twenty articles in peer-reviewed journals in Russian, English, French and Italian. In 2017 her book “Individual Labour Rights as Human Rights: The Contributions of the European Court of Human Rights to Worker’s Rights Protection” was published by Wolters Kluwer in the series “Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations”.

Main achievements

  • ILO external consultant in the project “Situation and Gap Analysis Report on Forced Labour Protocol – PAKISTAN” 2020-2021
  • Certified trainer for HELP on-line courses, Council of Europe, trainer of the HELP course “Labour rights as human rights”, May-June 2020.
  • Holder of Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module “European Labour law” 2019-2022
  • Expert for external quality review and assurance of education in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG ENQA)
  • Author of the online course “International labour law” and International labor law
  • Member of editorial boards of the journals: Italian Labour Law e-Journal, Yearbook of Labour law, JusOnline, Jus.
  • Representative of CIELO (Comunidad para la Investigación y el Estudio Laboral y Ocupacional) in Russia

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