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Elisa Villani

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IEGE-01/A Ingegneria economico- gestionale


Villani, E.; Linder, C.; De Massis, A.; Eddleston, K., Employee Incentives and Family Firm Innovation: A Configurational Approach, «JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT», 2024, 50, pp. 1797 - 1835 [articolo]Open Access

Flores M.C.; Grimaldi R.; Poli S.; Villani E., Entrepreneurial universities and intrapreneurship: A process model on the emergence of an intrapreneurial university, «TECHNOVATION», 2024, 129, Article number: 102906, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Farahbakhsh, S.; Villani, E.; Linder, C.; Salge, T-O., How Paradoxes Shape Members and the Member–Organization Relationship: An Identity Threat Perspective, «ORGANIZATION SCIENCE», 2024, online first, pp. 1 - 24 [articolo]Open Access

Linder, C.; Lechner, C.; Villani, E., Make it work - The challenge to diversity in entrepreneurial teams: A configurational perspective, «EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2024, online first, pp. 1 - 30 [articolo]Open Access

Crawford G.C.; Linder C.; Lechner C.; Villani E., Outlier entrepreneurs: Nonlinear paths and novel ventures, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING INSIGHTS», 2024, 21, Article number: e00437, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]

Villani, E.; Grimaldi, R., When people make the difference: A person-organization fit approach in knowledge transfer offices, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH», 2024, 183, Article number: 114843, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Pohle, A; Villani, E; Grimaldi, R, Personnel motivation in knowledge transfer offices: The role of university-level and organizational-level antecedents, «TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE», 2022, 181, Article number: 121765, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Villani E.; Phillips N., Formal organizations and interstitial spaces: Catalysts, complexity, and the initiation of cross-field collaboration, «STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION», 2021, 19, pp. 5 - 36 [articolo]Open Access

Villani E.; Linder C.; Lechner C.; Muller L., How do non-innovative firms start innovation and build legitimacy? The case of professional service firms, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH», 2021, 137, pp. 614 - 625 [articolo]Open Access

Villani E., Lechner C., How to acquire legitimacy and become a player in a regional innovation ecosystem? The case of a young university, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2021, 46, pp. 1017 - 1045 [articolo]Open Access

Villani, Elisa; Mattiacci, Alberto, Does product features really value for consumers? A laddering analysis on crystal tableware, «SINERGIE», 2018, 36, pp. 65 - 87 [articolo]

Villani, Elisa; Linder, Christian; Grimaldi, Rosa, Effectuation and causation in science-based new venture creation: A configurational approach, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH», 2018, 83, pp. 173 - 185 [articolo]

Villani, Elisa, Il trasferimento tecnologico tra sfide ed opportunità: Ruoli e strategie degli intermediari, Torino, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2018, pp. 144 . [libro]

Villani, Elisa; Greco, Luciano, The dark side of outsourcing: the case of logistics, in: Positive and Negative Aspects of Outsourcing, Rijeka, InTEchOpen, 2018, pp. 107 - 122 [capitolo di libro]

Villani, Elisa; Rasmussen, Einar; Grimaldi, Rosa, How intermediary organizations facilitate university–industry technology transfer: A proximity approach, «TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE», 2017, 114, pp. 86 - 102 [articolo]