Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.
Ultime tesi seguite dal docente
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
- Assessing flower cover through UAV multispectral imagery
and machine learning model
- Fattori che influenzano l’uso dell’habitat dello sciacallo dalla gualdrappa (Canis mesomelas) nel Fish River Canyon, Namibia.
- From Pixels to Pollinators: Enhancing Conservation Strategies through UAV Imagery and Machine Learning in Evaluating Flower Cover and Bee Diversity
- From-virtuality-to-reality: An alternative approach for testing occurrence- based temporal bias in Species Distribution Modelling
- Geo-ecologia in terza dimensione:
analisi del paesaggio e della biodiversità nella regione Calabria utilizzando telerilevamento e mappe 3d con r
- Landscape Heterogeneity Challenges the Spectral Variation Hypothesis in Butterfly Biodiversity Estimation
- Maps for everyone - Machine learning methods to change colours for colour blindness.
- Non regular movements of non-breeding Mediterranean ospreys tracked by GPS-satellite telemetry
- Preserving Biodiversity from Above:
Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Approaches for Habitat Monitoring and Pollinators Protection.
- Reliability Assessment of Cetacean Drone-Based Morphometry through Lidar and Barometric Sensors
- Remote Sensing Observations of Sulfides and Sulfates Over
the Terrestrial Martian Analog Rio Tinto, Spain
- Seeing like a bee: approaching bee diversity and flower cover estimation by UV drone images
- Testing and analyzing the Fuzzy land cover maps in R
- Testing Rao’s quadratic entropy facing different sensor and scales