Foto del docente

Devis Montroni

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-03/A Chimica generale e inorganica

Curriculum vitae


PhD in Chemistry

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 1st Nov 2016 – 31st Oct 2019

Thesis title: “Hierarchically organized chitin-based matrices”. Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Falini.

Will defend in Mar/Apr 2020.

  • First place in the ranking for PhD scholarship assignment;
  • Won the Marco Polo scholarship to work for six months with Prof. Marco Rolandi in UC Santa Cruz (California, USA);
  • Studied structure-function relationship in biogenic matrices;
  • Developed new materials using biopolymers, mostly chitin, collagen and byssus;
  • Developed an in vitro system to study chitin self-assembly in water environments.

Master degree in Chemistry

Curriculum of Synthetic Methodologies and Bio-Organic Chemistry

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 1st Oct 2013 – 16th Jul 2015

Thesis title: “On byssus: natural threads and synthetic films”. Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Falini and Prof. Matteo Calvaresi.

Final grade: 110 cum laude.

  • Won the Erasmus scholarship to work and study in Prof. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson in Trinity College Dublin;
  • Studied scientific diving as extracurricular lecture;
  • Deepened the study of supramolecular chemistry in natural and synthetic structures.

Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Material Chemistry

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 1st Oct 2010 – 11th Jul 2013

Thesis title: “Synthesis of new β-lactam with dual activity”. Supervisor: Prof. Daria Giacomini.

Final grade: 110 cum laude.

  • Received a certificate as one of the best student of the faculty;
  • Delved into biological, pharmaceutical, and computational chemistry.

High school diploma at the Scientific-Technological high school “F. Alberghetti”

Via Pio IX 3, Imola (BO), Italy | Sept 2005 – Jun 2010



Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 1st Dec 2019 – today

Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Falini

  • His research mostly aims the characterization of biogenic matrices.

Research Fellow

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 1st Jan 2016 – 31st Oct 2016

Supervisor: Prof. Matteo Calvaresi

  • Worked in collaboration with Prof. Matthew Harrington of the Max Plank institute of Colloids and Interfaces where he spent few weeks;
  • Mostly worked on the reapplication of byssus as novel material;
  • Extensively collaborated in the set up and organization of the new laboratory;
  • Previously worked as attending graduate between 1st Oct 2015 – 31st Dec 2015


Laboratory tutor

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | 2015 – 2020

Tutored in four different student laboratory and corrected essays for a 1st year laboratory.


Teacher education

Golinelli Foundation | 15th Oct 2019

Made a lecture for high school teachers titled “The future of plastics” focused on biopolymer application.


Student tutor in Chemistry

Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Italy | Oct. 2016 – Sept. 2017

  • Organized frontal lessons with the students;
  • Prepared exercises to have the student do them.

Private lectures

2010- today

Helped over 30 students between 12 and 25 years old with chemistry, physics, and math.



LIPU – Fauna safety center for wild fauna of Bologna

Sept 2018 – Oct 2018


Monte Adone – Research and fauna safety center for exotic and wild fauna

1st Aug 2015 – 3rd Sept 2015

  • Actively decided diet for exotic and wild animals;
  • Responsible for administering therapies.


“BIOMIN XV 15th International Symposium on Biomineralization” Monaco, Germania (2019), poster contribute.

“Bio-Inorganic international school for PhD students” Rome, Italy (2019).

“Engineering Life 2017: Form and Function” Dresda, Germania (2017), poster contribute.

“Soft Matter Cryo-TEM FEI TU/e 4th International Cryo-TEM workshop” Eindhoven, Netherland (2016).

“SAYCS Sigma Aldrich Young Chemist Symposium” Rimini, Italy (2015), flash communication and poster.

“ECCG5 5th European conference on crystal growth” Bologna, Italia (2015), organization assistance.

“ICSN Ireland-China Symposium on Nanotechnology” Dublin, Ireland (2014), organization assistance.


Marco Polo scholarship (2018)

PhD Scholarship (2016) – first place in the ranking

Erasmus scholarship (2014) – winner on two different positions

Merit incentive (2013)

Incentive for scientific degrees (2010)



Laboratories for kids

Ponticelli library, Ponticelli (BO), Italy | 2018 – 2019

Organized a couple of science themed activities for 4-10 years old kids.


Researchers’ night

Bologna, Italy | Sept 2017

Organized a stand titled “Nano-world” during the event of the Researchers’ night.



Museum of Science of Boston | 2017



Communication skills

  • Obtained an excellent score in the TECO test for soft skills in both incisive writing (result: 6.0; national avg. 3.0) and problem solving (result 5.0; national avg. 2.9);
  • Good communication to an audience developed in over seven years of theatre;
  • Proper ability to explain scientific concepts developed as tutor, and along years of private lessons and divulgation events.

Social skills

  • Conducted different well working collaborations along his experience in research;
  • Used to teamwork, mutual trust, and taking care of others in his working environment as on stage or during more dangerous activities (as diving, speleology or hiking).

Organizational skills

  • Used to direct other people’s work, as undergraduates or PhD students;
  • Have always carried out diverse projects contemporary since its master thesis;
  • Experienced in set up and reorganize a laboratory.

Technical skills

  • Confident with different microscopies, especially optic and SEM but also AFM and TEM, and techniques related to them, as stainings or EDX;
  • Used to different spectroscopies as UV, FTIR, and Raman and thermal analysis as TGA, DCS, and micro-ITC;
  • Experienced in mechanical characterization of materials (mainly uniaxial traction);
  • Experienced in trace element analysis;
  • Studied as an organic chemist, becoming used to synthesis and NMR, FTIR, HPLC or MS interpretation;
  • Worked on the synthesis of air and light sensible compounds;
  • Basic knowledge on the use of a sterile fume hood;
  • High level in image composition and drawing using Photoshop and Illustrator;
  • Advanced use of Microsoft Office including Publisher;
  • Proper knowledge of MATLAB.

Other skills

  • Open water diving license with 23 diving of experience and scientific diving competence;
  • Basic knowledge in speleological activity;
  • Car driving license.

Hobbies and interests

Traveling; Gardening; Hiking; Diving; Photography; Aquariophily;

Books on adaptation and evolution; Plants and animals.

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