Foto del docente

Davide Pinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICHI-02/A Chemical Plants


Frascari, Dario; Molina Bacca, Aurora Esther; Zama, Fabiana; Bertin, Lorenzo; Fava, Fabio; Pinelli, Davide, Olive mill wastewater valorisation through phenolic compounds adsorption in a continuous flow column, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL», 2016, 283, pp. 293 - 303 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zama, Fabiana; Frascari, Dario; Pinelli, Davide; Molina Bacca, A.E., Parameter estimation algorithms for kinetic modeling from noisy data, in: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Berlin, Springer New York LLC, 2016, pp. 517 - 527 [Chapter or essay]

Rebecchi, Stefano; Pinelli, Davide; Bertin, Lorenzo; Zama, Fabiana; Fava, Fabio; Frascari, Dario, Volatile fatty acids recovery from the effluent of an acidogenic digestion process fed with grape pomace by adsorption on ion exchange resins, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL», 2016, 306, Article number: S1385894716310476 , pp. 629 - 639 [Scientific article]Open Access

D. Frascari; D. Pinelli; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava, Packed bed reactors (PBRs) to treat chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons via aerobic cometabolism as pump & treat technology, in: Immobilized Biocatalysts for Bioremediation of Groundwater and Wastewater, London, IWA Publishing, 2015, pp. 107 - 123 [Chapter or essay]

Dario Frascari;Giacomo Bucchi;Francesco Doria;Antonella Rosato;Nasrin Tavanaie;Raffaele Salviulo;Roberta Ciavarelli;Davide Pinelli;Serena Fraraccio;Giulio Zanaroli;Fabio Fava, Development of an attached-growth process for the on-site bioremediation of an aquifer polluted by chlorinated solvents, «BIODEGRADATION», 2014, 25, pp. 337 - 350 [Scientific article]

Dario Frascari;Martina Cappelletti;Jocelia De Sousa Mendes;Andrea Alberini;Francesco Scimonelli;Chiara Manfreda;Luca Longanesi;Davide Zannoni;Davide Pinelli;Stefano Fedi, A kinetic study of biohydrogen production from glucose, molasses and cheese whey by suspended and attached cells of Thermotoga neapolitana, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 147, pp. 553 - 561 [Scientific article]

1. A. Rosato; D. Frascari; G. Bucchi; F. Doria; R. Salviulo; N. Tavanaie; F. Adrian Potra; R. Ciavarelli; D. Pinelli; S. Fraraccio; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava, Aerobic cometabolic bioremediation of trichloroethylene- and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater in a packed bed bioreactor, in: Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Water Technology and Management, Mol, VITO nv Publisher, 2013, pp. 42 - 47 (atti di: Second European Symposium on Water Technology and Management, Leuven, Belgium, 20-21 November 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

D. Frascari; S. Fraraccio; M. Nocentini; D. Pinelli, Aerobic/anaerobic/aerobic sequenced biodegradation of a mixture of chlorinated ethenes, ethanes and methanes in batch bioreactors, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 128, pp. 479 - 486 [Scientific article]

D. Frascari; J. De Sousa Mendes; A. Alberini; F. Scimonelli; C. Manfreda; M. Cappelletti; S. Fedi; D. Pinelli, Batch and continuous-flow thermophilic hydrogen production from molasses and cheese whey by suspended and immobilized cells of Thermotoga neapolitana, in: 9th Euroepan Congress of Chemical Engineering / 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, 2013, pp. - - - (atti di: 9th Euroepan Congress of Chemical Engineering / 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, 21-25 April 2013) [Abstract]

Dario Frascari; Giacomo Bucchi; Francesco Doria; Antonella Rosato; Nasrin Tavanaie; Roberta Ciavarelli; Davide Pinelli; Serena Fraraccio; Giulio Zanaroli; Fabio Fava, DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOFILM ON-SITE PROCESS FOR THE AEROBIC COMETABOLIC BIOREMEDIATION OF A GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATED BY TRICHLOROETHYLENE AND 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, 2013, pp. - - - (atti di: 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, Vienna, 18-21 September 2013) [Abstract]

A. Rosato; D. Frascari; G. Bucchi; F. Doria; S. Lei; V. Spaggiari; N. Tavanaie; F. Adrian Potra; R. Ciavarelli; D. Pinelli; S. Fraraccio; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava, Development of an attached-growth process for the bioremediation of trichloroethylene- and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater, in: Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e simbiosi industriale. Atti del Convegno Ecomndo 2013, Rimini, Maggioli Editore, 2013, pp. 472 - 476 (atti di: Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e simbiosi industriale - Ecomondo 2013, Rimini, 6-9 Novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Coordination of a Research Project: Microorganism and enzyme Immobilization: NOvel Techniques and Approaches for Upgraded Remediation of Underground-, wastewater and Soil.

Franco Magelli; Giuseppina Montante; Davide Pinelli; Alessandro Paglianti, Mixing time in high aspect ratio vessels stirred with multiple impellers, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE», 2013, 101, pp. 712 - 720 [Scientific article]

F. Zama; R. Ciavarelli; D. Frascari; D. Pinelli, Numerical parameters estimation in models of pollutant transport with chemical reaction, in: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology - Vol. 391: System Modeling and Optimization, HEIDELBERG, Springer, 2013, pp. 547 - 556 (IFIP ADVANCES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY) [Chapter or essay]

R. Verdini; F.Aulenta; M. Petrangeli Papini; M. Majone; I. Di Somma; D. Spasiano;R. Marotta; R. Andreozzi; L. Bertin; F.Fava; D. Frascari; D. Pinelli; M. Nocentini; S. Milia; A. Carucci; R. Porcu; V. Tandoi; S. Rossetti, Processi innovativi per il risanamento sostenibile di acque sotterranee contaminate da composti clorurati, in: Xenobiotici e contaminanti emergenti. L’analisi, il controllo ed il trattamento nelle acque reflue civili, industriali e di falda, Venezia, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Chimica e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente (INCA), 2013, pp. 283 - 340 [Chapter or essay]

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