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Davide Dragone

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-01/A Economia politica

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Health Economics and Management


Novara, Cinzia; Ferrari, Laura; Barone, Lavinia; Dragone, Davide; Oldani, Chiara; Rosnati, Rosa, Community Attitudes Toward Adoption in Italy: The Role of Stereotypes and Emotional Reactions, «THE FAMILY JOURNAL», 2024, online first, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Colagrossi, Marco; Deiana, Claudio; Dragone, Davide; Geraci, Andrea; Giua, Ludovica; Iori, Elisa, Intimate partner violence and help-seeking: The role of femicide news, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2023, 87, Article number: 102722, pp. 1 - 22 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone, D; Lambertini, L; Palestini, A, Emission taxation, green innovations and inverted-U aggregate R&D effort s in a linear state differential game, «RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS», 2022, 76, pp. 62 - 68 [articolo]Open Access

Caputo, Michael R.; Dragone, Davide, Rational agents might be overweight, underweight, or the physiologically optimal weight, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2022, 210, pp. 1 - 4 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone D.; Vanin P., Substitution Effects in Intertemporal Problems, «AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS», 2022, 14, pp. 791 - 809 [articolo]Open Access

Nie, Peng; Wang, Lu; Dragone, Davide; Lu, Haiyang; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso; Ziebarth, Nicolas R., “The better you feel, the harder you fall”: Health perception biases and mental health among Chinese adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, «CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2022, 71, pp. 101708 - 101708 [articolo]Open Access

Arni, Patrick; Dragone, Davide; Goette, Lorenz; Ziebarth, Nicolas R., Biased health perceptions and risky health behaviors—Theory and evidence, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 76, Article number: 102425, pp. 1 - 26 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone, Davide; Raggi, Davide, Resolving the milk addiction paradox, «JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS», 2021, 77, Article number: 102452, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone D.; Lambertini L., Equilibrium existence in the Hotelling model with convex production costs, «REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS», 2020, 84, Article number: 103568, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access

Dragone Davide; Strulik Holger, Negligible senescence: An economic life cycle model for the future., «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2020, 171, pp. 264 - 285 [articolo]Open Access

Davide Dragone, Social Distancing and Mental Health, in: The italian economy after Covid-19. Short-term costs and long-term adjustments, Bologna, Bononia University Press srl, 2020, pp. 91 - 102 [capitolo di libro]

Davide Dragone, Davide Raggi, Solving the Milk Addiction Paradox, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, 2020, pp. 24 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [libro]

Dragone, Davide; Prarolo, Giovanni; Vanin, Paolo; Zanella, Giulio, Crime and the legalization of recreational marijuana, «JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION», 2019, 159, pp. 488 - 501 [articolo]Open Access

Davide Dragone , Davide raggi, Testing Rational Addiction: When Lifetime is Uncertain, One Lag is Enough, Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Universita di Bologna, 2018, pp. 32 (QUADERNI - WORKING PAPER DSE). [libro]Open Access

Dragone, D.; Galeotti, F.; Orsini, R., Non-Monetary Feedback Induces More Cooperation: Students and Workers in a Voluntary Contribution Mechanism, «REVUE ÉCONOMIQUE», 2017, 68, pp. 793 - 808 [articolo]

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