Foto del docente

Darina Malova

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali


 Selected Publications, (for more and for citation index see


2007. Governing New Democracies, with Jean Blondel, Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (et al.): Hampshire: Palgrave.

2005. Slovensko ako nový členský štát Európskej únie: Výzva z periférie? (Slovakia as a New

Member State of the European Union). Bratislava. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2005 (with Erik Láštic and Marek Rybář)

2004. Parlamentná demokracia, parlamenty vo svete a na Slovensku, (Parliamentary

Democracy in Slovakia: A Comparative Perspective), Bratislava,Univerzita Komenského.

Edited books:

2011. Sociálne a politické inovácie: európsky pohľad na Slovensko,co- editor (Social and Political Innovations: European Context) Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 151 pp.

2010. From listening to action: new member states in the European Union. Bratislava, Devin, 221 pp.

Journal articles, selected:

2021. Portfolio Allocation of Slovak Ministers from the Gender Perspective, with Silvia Hudáčková. Politické vedy, Volume 24, Number 4/2021, pages 104-131. DOI:

2017. Gender issues in Kotleba’s People’s Party Our Slovakia: an attempt at a thematic analysis, with Petra Ďurinová, Human Affairs. - Vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

2016. Economy and democracy in Slovakia during the crisis from a Laggard to the EU Core, with Branislav Dolný, Problems of post-communism, 63 (5-6), pp. 300-312.

2015. Ekologická analýza výsledkov parlamentných volieb v roku 2012 a prezidentských volieb v roku 2014 možnosti a limity štrukturálnych vysvetlení (Ecological analysis of the 2012 and 2014 elections in Slovakia: limits of structural explanations), with Pavol Baboš. Sociológia, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 340-364.

2014. Sloboda prejavu v Slovenskej republike: analýza vybraných súdnych rozhodnutí. (Freedom of Speech in Slovakia: analysis of selected Courts’ Decisions.), with Max Steuer. Právník, vol. 153, no. 4, pp. 309-325.

2013. Prelietaví voliči: volebná volatilita v parlamentných voľbách medzi 2010 a 2012. (Flying voters: Volatility in Slovakia 2010-2012), with Pavol Baboš. European electoral studies. Vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 133-145.

2013. „Patterns of Democracy“ Arend Lijphart a jeho kritika („Patterns of Democracy“ Arendt Lijphart and his Critique. In Annales Scientia Politica, vol. 2, no.1, pp. 10-19.

2011. Democratic Innovation in the European Union: the Case of the European Citizens Iniciative. In Social Responsibility in the 21st Century. Ljubljana: Vega, pp. 95-111.

2010. Spoločenské inovácie: aktuálna téma alebo ďalší módny trend (Social Innovation: curent topic or another fashion trend) OS, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 5-9.

2008. Občianska spoločnosť, sociálne hnutia, mobilizácia a protesty na Slovensku. (Civil Society, Social Movements, Mobilization and Protest in Slovakia), In: Sociológia. - Vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 347-363.

2008. The Eastern enlargement of the European Union: challenges to democracy? with Branislav Dolný. Human Affairs, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 67-80

2007. Emerging patterns of EU membership: drawing lessons from Slovakia’s first two years as a member state, with Tim Haughton. In Politics. 27 (2), pp. 69-75.

2007. Forming preferences on European integration: the case of Slovakia, with Tim Haugton, Beyond Transition. 18 (1), pp. 15-16.

2007. Open for business : Slovakia as a new member state, with Tim Haughton. International issues & Slovak foreign policy affairs. Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 3-22.

2006. European integration and ethnic minorities: a case study of Hungarians in Slovakia / Darina Malová, Aneta Világi. Sociológia. 38 (6), p. 507-532.

2003. Nationalism and its explanations, with Henk Dekker [et al.]. In Political psychology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 345-376.

2002. Review of European integration research in Eastern Europe. European Political Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 41-46.

2002. Making Institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and the Impact of Europe, with Tim Haughton. In West European Politics, Vol. 25, No. 2, April, pp. 99-118.

2001. The Gradual Amending of the Slovak Constitution: Combating the Ambiguous Rules in 1992-2001, Erik Láštic, Central European Political Science Review, Vol 2, no. 4, pp. 103-127.

2000. The Troubled Institutionalization of Parliamentary Democracy in Slovakia, with Marek Rybar. In Politicka misao. Croatian Political Science Review, Vol. 37, No.2, 2000.

2000. Konstituciojnyj sud v Slovakii: politicheskij vzgliad. Konstitucionnoje pravo: Vostochjevropejskoe obozrenie, No. 1 (30), 2000, p. 26-37.

1998. Neľahká inštitucionalizácia parlamentnej demokracie na Slovensku (The Uneasy Institutionalization of Parliamentary Democracy in Slovakia); In Politologická revue, 4(1), pp. 43-59.

1996. The National Council of the Slovak Republic: Between Democratic Transition and National State‑Building, with D. Sivaková. Journal of Legislative Studies, Special Issue on The New Parliaments of Central and Eastern Europe, 2(1), Spring 1996, pp. 108-133.

1995. Parliamentary Rules and Legislative Dominance. East European Constitutional Review 4(2), pp. 71-77.

Since 1993 regular contributions Slovakia to the Political Data Yearbook of European Journal of Political Research, co-authored with Peter Učeň and Pavol Baboš.

Book chapters, selected:

2022. Slovakia in the Eurozone: Tatra Tiger or Mafia State inside the Elite Club?  In: The Political Economy of the Eurozone in Central and Eastern Europe: Why In, Why Out?, Eds: Krisztina Arató, Boglarka Koller, and Anita Pelle, London: Routledge, pp. 165 – 83.

2019. Toxic ordoliberalism on the EU’s periphery: Slovakia, the Euro and the migrant crisis, with John Gould. In: Towards a Segmented European Political Order. The European Union’s Post-Crises Conundrum. In: (Eds)  London: Routledge,  pp. 112-131.

2018. Missing ingredients in the study of CEE democracies, with Branislav Dolný. In: Democracy under stress: changing perspectives on democracy, governance and their measurement. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science, Czech republic, pp. 121-140.

2018. Slovakia farewell to a passive policy-taker role?, with Zsolt Gál, Central and Eastern Europe in the EU : challenges and perspectives under crisis conditions. Abingdon : Routledge: Taylor and Francis, pp. 106-119.

2016. Organizational structures of political parties in Slovakia: parties not for members, with Branislav Dolný. In: Organizational structures of political parties in Central and Eastern European countries. Cracow: Jagiellonian University, pp. 391-418.

2013. Slovakia. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Social Democracy in the European Union. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 550-574

2012. Slovakia. In Strategic Issues for the EU10 Countries. Budapest: Foundation for European progressive studies, pp. 221-249.

2008. Slovakia‘s presidency: consolidating democracy by curbing ambiguous powers, with Marek Rybář. In Semi-presidentialism in Central and Eastern Europe, ed. R. Elgie. Manchester: MUP, pp. 188-200.

2006. Challenge from the Pace-Setting Periphery: The Causes and Consequences of Slovakia’s Stance on Further European Integration, with T. Haughtonom. In W. Sadurski ed.), Après Enlargement: Taking Stock of the Immediate Legal and Political Responses to the Accession of Central and Eastern European States to the EU. Firenze: EUI, Robert Schuman Center.

2004. Explaining the level of women´s representation in post-communist countries: the case of Slovakia. In Women in decision-making. - Budapest: OSI, pp. 40-69.

2004. Exerting Influence on a Contentious Polity: The European Union's Democratic Conditionality and Political Change in Slovakia", with Marek Rybář. In Antoaneta L. Dimitrova (ed.), Driven to change: The European Union's enlargement viewed from the East. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 38-58.

2003. Slovak National Movement. In Kopecký, Petr; Mudde, Cas (eds.), Uncivil Society? Contentious politics in post-communist Europe, Routledge: London and New York.

2003. EU Policies towards Slovakia: Carrots and Sticks of Political Conditionality, with Marek Rybář. " in Jacques Rupnik and Jan Zielonka (eds.), The Road to the European Union, Volume 1: The Czech and Slovak Republics. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2002. Parliament and System Change in Slovakia, with Tim Haughton. In Silvia Kraatz and Silvia Steinsdorff, von S. (Ed.): Parlamente und Systemtransformation in postsozialistischen Europa. Opladen, Leske + Budrich, p. 127 – 143.

2002. The Role and Experience of the Slovakia Constitutional Court. In Constitutional Justice, East and West, edited by Wojciech Sadurski. The Hague: Kluwer.

2002. Political science – Slovakia, with Silvia Miháliková: In Three social science disciplines in Central and Eastern Europe: handbook on economics, political science and sociology (1989-2001). Budapest: Social Science Information Centre, pp. 343-357.

2002. Political science in Slovakia, with Silvia Miháliková. In: The state of political science in Central and Eastern Europe. Berlin: Sigma, pp. 253-274.

2001. Slovakia: From the Ambiguous Constitution to the Dominance of Informal Rules. In Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe, Volume 1: Institutional Engineering, edited by Jan Zielonka. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2000. Slovakia: National Consciousness from Denied Autonomy, with P. Mego. In European Nations and Nationalism: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives, edited by Louk Hagendoorn, György Csepeli, Henk Dekker, and Russell Farnen. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate, p. 333-372.

2000. Parliamentary Clubs and the Institutionalization of Political Parties in Slovakia, with Kevin Krause. In Parliamentary Party Groups in European Democracies: Political Parties Behind Closed Doors, edited by Knut Heidar and Ruud Koole. London and New York: Routledge, p. 195-213.

1996. What Makes a Slovak a Nationalist? A Case Study, with H. Dekker and R. Theuling. In Democracy, Socialization and Conflicting Loyalties in East and West, edited by R.F. Farnen, H. Dekker, R. Meyenberg, D. B. German. London: The MacMillan Press LTD, pp. 139-165.

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