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Daniele Vigo

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"


G. Gentile; D. Vigo, Movement generation and trip distribution for freight demand modelling applied to city logistics, «EUROPEAN TRANSPORT/TRASPORTI EUROPEI», 2013, 54, Article number: 6, pp. 1 - 27 [articolo]

Gilbert Laporte;Paolo Toth;Daniele Vigo, Vehicle routing: historical perspective and recent contributions, «EURO JOURNAL ON TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTIC», 2013, 2, pp. 1 - 4 [articolo]

M. Battarra; T. Oncan; I.K. Altmel; B. Golden; D. Vigo; E. Phillips, An evolutionary approach for tuning parametric Esau and Williams heuristics, «JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY», 2012, 63, pp. 368 - 378 [articolo]

Andreas Stenger;Michael Schneider;Michael Schwind;Daniele Vigo, Location routing for small package shippers with subcontracting options, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS», 2012, 140, pp. 702 - 712 [articolo]

G. Erdogan; M. Battarra; G. Laporte; D. Vigo, Metaheuristics for the traveling salesman problem with pickups, deliveries and handling costs, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2012, 39, pp. 1074 - 1086 [articolo]

R. Baldacci; P.Toth; D. Vigo, Exact Solution of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, in: Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, OXFORD, Wiley, 2011, pp. 1795 - 1807 [voce di enciclopedia/dizionario]

C. Doppstadt; M. Schneider; A. Stenger; B. Sand; D. Vigo; M. Schwindt, Graph Sparsification for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, in: Operations Research Proceedings 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 227 - 232 (atti di: Operations Research 2010, Monaco, Germania, Settembre 2010) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

G. Perboli; R. Tadei; D. Vigo, The Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem: Models and Math-Based Heuristics, «TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE», 2011, 45, pp. 364 - 380 [articolo]

R.Baldacci; P. Toth; D. Vigo, Exact algorithms for routing problems under vehicle capacity constraints, «ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2010, 175(1), pp. 213 - 245 [articolo]

Daniele Vigo, Modelli e strumenti per la pianificazione e la gestione delle reti di teleriscaldamento urbano, «IL RISCALDAMENTO URBANO», 2010, 2, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]

Maria Battarra; Gunes Erdogan; Gilbert Laporte; Daniele Vigo, The Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickups, Deliveries, and Handling Costs, «TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE», 2010, 44, pp. 383 - 399 [articolo]

A. Lodi; S. Martello; M. Monaci; D. Vigo, Two-dimensional Bin Packing Problems, in: V.TH. PASCHOS, Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization: Problems and New Approaches, HOBOKEN, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, 2010, pp. 107 - 129 [capitolo di libro]

Maria Battarra; Michele Monaci; Daniele Vigo, An adaptive guidance approach for the heuristic solution of a minimum multiple trip vehicle routing problem, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2009, 36, pp. 3041 - 3050 [articolo]

R. Baldacci; M. Battarra; D. Vigo, Valid Inequalities for the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Fixed Costs, «NETWORKS», 2009, 54, pp. 178 - 189 [articolo]

C. Galli; G. De Mastro; F. Salieri; A. Guarnieri; G.C. Randi; A. Bertozzi; A. Giacomucci; D. Vigo, Ottimizzazione della raccolta e dello smaltimento dei rifiuti, in: Scienza delle decisioni in Italia: applicazioni della Ricerca Operativa ai problemi aziendali, GENOVA, ECIG, 2008, pp. 345 - 358 [capitolo di libro]