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Daniela Bolzani

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-07/A Economia e gestione delle imprese

Curriculum vitae

Daniela Bolzani is Associate Professor in Management at the University of Bologna since March 2023. She was previously Assistant Professor in Management at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (Italy) (November 2017-February 2020) and at the University of Bologna (March 2020 - March 2023).

She received her Ph.D. in General Management from the University of Bologna in 2013, working on her dissertation “Internationalization intentions: Micro-foundations and psychological distance perceptions in immigrant and non-immigrant entrepreneurs”. Between 2013 and 2017 she worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Management and at the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna. Specifically, during this time she worked a research team member in three European projects in the domain of entrepreneurship and technology transfer, such as the project “TASTE – Taking Stock of External Engagements of Academics” (PI R. Fini, funded by EU FP7, People - Marie Curie), “SOCCES – SOCial Competences, Entrepreneurship and Sense of initiative” (PI E. Luppi, funded by EU Erasmus+), and “PROGRESS-TT – PROs GRowing Europe through best practice Solutions for Technology Transfer” (PI F. Munari, funded by EU Horizon 2020). Before starting her Ph.D., Daniela worked as a professional for around five years in the fields of financial audit and international development in Europe and Africa.

She has been a visiting scholar at the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder – USA (2013) (invited by Prof. M.D. Foo) and at HEC Paris – France (2016) (invited by Prof. T. Åstebro).

Her research has been published in the Journal of Business VenturingStrategic Entrepreneurship JournalInternational Journal of Management Reviews, Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Industry & Innovation, Journal of Consumer Behavior, and Journal of Industrial and Business Economics and in several book chapters. Her works have been presented at international conferences such as AOM Meeting, DRUID, AIB Conference, BCERC, EURAM, and EGOS. She serves as ad-hoc reviewer for several journals such as International Business Review; Small Business Economics; European Management Review; European Management Journal; Strategic Management Journal; Career Development International; International Small Business Journal; R&D Management; Journal of International Entrepreneurship; Sustainability; Applied Psychology: An International Review; Organization.

Her main research interests regard the multi-level antecedents and processes of entrepreneurship, especially in the contexts of international, academic, social, and immigrant business. For instance, some of her current research projects regard the establishment and growth of newly established companies founded by highly-skilled migrants or by returnee entrepreneurs; the impact of national diversity in entrepreneurial teams; or the narratives adopted by newly established high-tech companies. Because of the different perspectives required to analyze these topics, she is interested in adopting interdisciplinary approaches and has gained experience in using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.

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