Foto del docente

Maria Cristina Meriggiola

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-21/A Ginecologia e ostetricia


M.C. Meriggiola; A. Costantino; F. Armillotta; M. Berra; G. Pelusi; S. Cerpolini; L. D'Emidio., Intima-Media wall thickness is increased in FtM transsexuals treated with testosterone compared to normal control women., in: Program and Abstracts of the 88th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society., s.l, s.n, 2006, pp. 346 - 346 (atti di: 88th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society., Boston, June, 24-27, 2006.) [atti di convegno-abstract]

A. Qoubaitary; M.C. Meriggiola; C.M. Ng; L. Lumbreras; S. Cerpolini; G. Pelusi; P.D. Christensen; L. Hull; R.S. Swerdloff; C. Wang., Pharmacokinetics of testosterone undecanoate injected alone or in combination with norethisterone enanthate in healthy men., «JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY», 2006, July 12, pp. Epub ahead - of Print [articolo]

P.Y. Liu; R.S. Swerdloff; P.D. Christenson; D.J. Handelsman; the Hormonal Male Contraception Summit Group: B.D. Anawalt; R.A. Anderson; W.J. Bremner; J. Elliesen; Y.Q. Gu; W.M. Kersemaekers; R.I. McLachlan; M.C. Meriggiola; E. Nieschlag; R. Sitruk-Ware; K. Vogelsong; X.H. Wang; F.C.W. Wu; M. Zitzmann., Rate, extent, and modifiers of spermatogenic recovery after hormonal male contraception: an integrated analysis, «THE LANCET», 2006, 367, pp. 1412 - 1420 [articolo]

F. Armillotta; M. Berra; A. Costantino; S. Cerpolini; G. Pelusi; M.C. Meriggiola., Repeated intramuscular injections of testosterone undecanoate (TU) in FtM transsexuals., in: , «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION. SUPPLEMENT», 2006, 8, Abs P43, pp. 21 - 21 (atti di: VII National Congress of the Italian Society of medical Andrology, Florence, November 9-11, 2006) [atti di convegno-abstract]

A. Costantino; S. Cerpolini; M. Berra; F. Armillotta; L. D'Emidio; G. Pelusi; M.C. Meriggiola., Reproductive and non-reproductive effects of testosterone undecanoate (TU) plus cyproterone acetate (CPA) or norethisterone enanthate (NETE) for male contraception., in: , «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION. SUPPLEMENT», 2006, 8, Abs P19, pp. 15 - 15 (atti di: VII National Congress of the Italian Society of Medical Andrology., Florence, Nevember 9-11, 2006.) [atti di convegno-abstract]

M. Berra; F. Armillotta; L. D'Emidio; A. Costantino; G. Martorana; G. Pelusi; M.C. Meriggiola., Testosterone decreases adiponectin levels in female to male transsexuals., «ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY», 2006, July 11, pp. Epub ahead - of print [articolo]

M.C. Meriggiola; G. Pelusi., Una review sul transessualismo., «GINECORAMA», 2006, 2, pp. 27 - 28 [articolo]

P.G. Morselli; A. Morellini; L. Fabiocchi; R. Sgarzani; M.C. Meriggiola, Chest-wall contouring in female to male transsexuals, in: Abstracts book, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: XIX Biennal Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysforia Association, Bologna, 6-9 April 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

A. Costantino; S. Cerpolini; L. D'Emidio; F. Armillotta; G. Pelusi; M.C. Meriggiola., Contraccezione maschile: stato dell'arte., in: C. FORESTA A. LENZI A. FERLIN., Le alterazioni gonadiche: aspetti fisiologici e clinici., PADOVA, Cleup, 2005, pp. 41 - 51 [capitolo di libro]

P.G. Morselli; A. Morellini; L. Fabiocchi; R. Sgarzani; M.C. Meriggiola, Feminization of the face in male to female transsexuals, in: Abstracts book, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: XIX Biennal Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Bologna, 6-9 April 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

E. Borghi; M.C. Meriggiola; R. Stefani; V. Bachiocco; I. Ceccarelli; M. Izzo; A. Bertaccini; G. Martorana; G. Pelusi; A.M. Aloisi, Gonadal hormones change pain incidence in transsexuals men and women, in: Abstracts book, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: XIX Biennal Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysforia Association, Bologna, 6-9 April 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Meriggiola M.C.; Costantino A.; Saad F.; D'Emidio L.; Morselli Labate A.M.; Bertaccini A.; Bremner W.J.; Rudolph I.; Ernst M.; Kirsch B.; Martorana G.; Pelusi G., Norethisterone enanthate plus testosterone undecanoate for male contraception: effects of various injection intervals on spermatogenesis, reproductive hormones, testis, and prostate., «THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM», 2005, 90(4), pp. 2005 - 2014 [articolo]

Gambineri A.; Pagotto U.; De Lasio R.; Meriggiola M.C.; Costantino A.; Patton L.; Pelusi C.; Pelusi G.; Pasquali R., Short-term modification of sex hormones is associated with changes in ghrelin circulating levels in healthy normal-weight men., «JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION», 2005, 28(3), pp. 241 - 246 [articolo]

P.G. Morselli; S. Cappelletti; A. Morellini; C. Cazzola; R. Sgarzani; M.C. Meriggiola, Surgical psychotherapeutic methodology: additive mastoplasty-feminisation and reductive mastoplasty-masculinisation in an individual patient, in: Abstracts book, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: XIX Biennal Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Bologna, 6-9 April 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

F. Armillotta; L. D'Emidio; M. Berra; A. Costantino; S. Cerpolini; A. Bertaccini; G. Martorana; G. Pelusi; M.C. Meriggiola, Testosterone decreases adiponectin levels in female to male transsexuals, in: Abstracts book, BOLOGNA, s.n, 2005(atti di: XIX Biennal Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysforia Association, Bologna, 6-9 Aprile 2005) [atti di convegno-abstract]

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