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Cristiano Bombardi

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Acquacoltura e igiene delle produzioni ittiche


Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Alvente S.; Bastianini S.; Bombardi C.; Matteoli G.; Ohtsu H.; Lin J.-S.; Silvani A.; Zoccoli G., Orexin/Hypocretin and Histamine Cross-Talk on Hypothalamic Neuron Counts in Mice, «FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE», 2021, 15, Article number: 660518, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]Open Access

Bombardi C.; Grandis A.; Pivac N.; Sagud M.; Lucas G.; Chagraoui A.; Lemaire-Mayo V.; De Deurwaerdere P.; Di Giovanni G., Serotonin modulation of hippocampal functions: From anatomy to neurotherapeutics, in: Giuseppe Di Giovanni, Philippe De Deurwaerdere, 5-HT Interaction with Other Neurotransmitters: Experimental Evidence and Therapeutic Relevance - Part B, Londra, Elsevier, 2021, pp. 83 - 158 [capitolo di libro]

Grandis A.; Canova M.; Tagliavia C.; Spiteri J.; Fagnoli H.; De Silva M.; Mazzoni M.; Diana A.; Bombardi C., The distribution of the jejunal arteries in the cat, «THE ANATOMICAL RECORD», 2021, 304, pp. 372 - 383 [articolo]

Bombardi C.; Delicata F.; Tagliavia C.; Pierucci M.; Deidda G.; Casarrubea M.; De Deurwaerdere P.; Di Giovanni G., Acute and chronic nicotine exposures differentially affect central serotonin 2A receptor function: Focus on the lateral habenula, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2020, 21, Article number: 1873, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Lambertini C.; Zannoni A.; Romagnoli N.; Bombardi C.; Morini M.; Dondi F.; Bernardini C.; Forni M.; Rinnovati R.; Spadari A., Expression of Proteinase-Activated Receptor 2 During Colon Volvulus in the Horse, «FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2020, 7, Article number: 589367, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access

Lambertini C.; Bombardi C.; Zannoni A.; Bernardini C.; Dondi F.; Morini M.; Rinnovati R.; Spadari A.; Romagnoli N., Proteinase Activated Receptor 4 in the Jejunum of Healthy Horses and of Horses With Epiploic Hernia, «FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2020, 7, Article number: 158, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Barone, Francesca; Muscatello, Luisa Vera; Ventrella, Domenico; Elmi, Alberto; Romagnoli, Noemi; Mandrioli, Luciana; Maya-Vetencourt, Josè Fernando; Bombardi, Cristiano; Mete, Maurizio; Sarli, Giuseppe; Benfenati, Fabio; Pertile, Grazia; Bacci, Maria Laura, The porcine iodoacetic acid model of retinal degeneration: Morpho-functional characterization of the visual system, «EXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH», 2020, 193, Article number: 107979, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access

Bo P.; Tagliavia C.; Canova M.; De Silva M.; Bombardi C.; Grandis A., Comparative characterization of the prostate gland in intact, and surgically and chemically neutered ferrets, «JOURNAL OF EXOTIC PET MEDICINE», 2019, 31, pp. 68 - 74 [articolo]Open Access

Peli A.; Grandis A.; Tassinari M.; Bergamini P.F.; Tagliavia C.; Roccaro M.; Bombardi C., Environment and behavior: Neurochemical effects of different diets in the calf brain, «ANIMALS», 2019, 9, Article number: 358, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Carlotta Lambertini, Noemi Romagnoli, Augusta Zannoni, Riccardo Rinnovati , Cristiano Bombardi ,Chiara Bernardini, Maria Morini, Francesco Dondi, Alessandro Spadari, PROTEINASE ACTIVATED RECEPTOR 4 IN HEALTHY AND ISCHEMIC JEJUNUM OF THE HORSE, in: Federazione SISVET 73° Covegno, 2019, pp. 82 - 82 (atti di: 73° convegno SISVET, Olbia, 19-22 giugno 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Romagnoli, Noemi; Zannoni, Augusta; Bernardini, Chiara; Gobbetti, Thomas; Bombardi, Cristiano; Rambaldi, ANNA MARIA; Morini, Maria; Dondi, Francesco; Rinnovati, Riccardo; Lambertini, Carlotta; Spadari, Alessandro, Proteinase-activated receptor 2 distribution and expression in equine small intestine tracts following herniation through the epiploic foramen, «RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2019, 31, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]

MUSCATELLO L.V., BARONE F., VENTRELLA D., ELMI A., MANDRIOLI L., ROMAGNOLI N., BOMBARDI C., MAYA-VETENCOURT F., SARLI G., BENFENATI F., BACCI M.L., Retinal features in iodoacetic acid treated biomedical pigs as model for photoreceptors disorders, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2019, 166, pp. 103 - 103 [abstract]

Peruffo A.; Corain L.; Bombardi C.; Centelleghe C.; Grisan E.; Graic J.-M.; Bontempi P.; Grandis A.; Cozzi B., The motor cortex of the sheep: laminar organization, projections and diffusion tensor imaging of the intracranial pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts, «BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION», 2019, 224, pp. 1933 - 1946 [articolo]Open Access

Bombardi, Cristiano, Brain Distribution. In: B.P. Guiard, G. Di Giovanni Editors. 5-HT2A receptors in the Central Nervous System. Humana Press Springer, Chatenay-Malabry, France; Msida MSD, Malta, B.P. Guiard, G. Di Giovanni, 2018, pp. 18 . [libro]

Bombardi, Cristiano; Venzi, Marcello; Crunelli, Vincenzo; Di Giovanni, Giuseppe, Developmental changes of GABA immunoreactivity in cortico-thalamic networks of an absence seizure model, «NEUROPHARMACOLOGY», 2018, 136, pp. 56 - 67 [articolo]Open Access

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