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Cleo Thomas Gabriel Teixeira Pires

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-02/A Chimica fisica


• Lima, C C ; Soares, L C ; Yukuhiro, V Y ; Silva, A B S ; Landers, R ; de Figueiredo, P B S ; de Lima, R B ; Arruda, M A Z ; Longo, C ; Pires C T G V M T ; Fernández, P S, Glycerol (photo)electro-oxidation on carbon supported Ag nanoparticles modified 1 with low amounts of Pt. Activity, selectivity and the effect of visible-light 2 irradiation, ChemRXiv/ACS Interface Applied Materials (submitted), 2023. doi 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-b76n2

• Oliveira, C S, Pires, C T G V M T, Airoldi, C, Title: Isothermal titration calorimetry to investigate interaction processes of ibuprofen with chitosan derivatives, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (submitted) 2023.

• Perini, N; Hessel, C; Bott-Neto, J L; Pires, C T G V M T; Fernández, P S; Sitta, E, Photoelectrochemical Oxidation of Glycerol on Hematite: Thermal Effects, In situ FTIR and Long-term HPLC Product Analysis. Photoelectrochemical Oxidation of Glycerol on Hematite: Thermal Effects, In situ FTIR and Long-term HPLC Product Analysis, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 25, 2021, 1101–1110. doi 10.1007/s10008-020-04878-7

• Galante, M T; Santiago, P V B; Yukuhiro, V Y; Silva, L A; dos Reis, N A; Pires, C T G V M T; Macedo, N G; Costa, L S; Fernandez, P S; Longo, C, Aminopolysiloxane as Cu2O Photocathode Overlayer: Photocorrosion Inhibitor and Low Overpotential CO2‐to‐formate Selectivity Promoter, ChemCatChem, 13, 3, 2020, 859-863. doi 10.1002/cctc.202001638.

• Soffiati, G; Bott-Neto, J L; Yukuhiro, V Y; Pires, C T G V M T; Lima, C C; Zanata, C R; Birdja, Y Y; Koper, M T M; San-Miguel, M A; Fernández, P S, Electrooxidation of C4 polyols on platinum single-crystals: A computational and electrochemical study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 27, 2020, 14745-14751. doi 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05017

• de Souza, M B C; Vicente, R A; Yukuhiroa, V Y; Pires, C T G V M T; J; Fernández P S, Pb and Bi-modified Pt electrodes towards Glycerol Electrooxidation in Alkaline media. Activity, Selectivity and the importance of the Pt atoms arrangement. ACS Catalysis, 10, 2020, 2131-2137. doi 10.1021/acscatal.9b04805

• Lima, C C; Rodrigues, M V F; Neto, A F M; Zanata, C R; Pires, C T G V M T; Souza, L C; Solla-Gullón, J; Fernández P S, Highly active Ag/C nanoparticles containing ultra-low quantities of sub-surface Pt for the electrooxidation of glycerol in alkaline media, Applied Catalysis B: environmental, 279, 2020, 119369. doi 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.119369

• de Souza, M B C; Vicente, R A; Yukuhiro, V Y; Pires, C T G V M T; Cheuquepán, W; Solla-Gullón, J; Fernández P S, Bi-modified Pt electrodes towards glycerol electrooxidation in alkaline solution: effects on activity and selectivity. ACS Catalysis (inside cover), 9, 2019, 5104-5110. doi 10.1021/acscatal.9b00190

• Ahmed, K; Khan, A J; Pires, C T G V M T; Yamin, M; Rehman, F; Rahim, A; J. Song ; Airoldi, C. Fabrication of layered Al-silicate Magadiites for the Removal of reactive dyes from Textile effluents. Desalination and Water Treatment, 104, 2018, 159-168. doi 10.5004/dwt.2018.21801

• Pires, C T G V M T; Pinto, A A; Souza, K S; Airoldi, C; Mercaptopropyl grafted magadiite for lead and cadmium sorption and calorimetric determination. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 126, 2016, 1513-1520. doi 10.1007/s10973-016-5684-3

• Ahmed, K; Rehman, F; Pires, C T G V M T; Rahim, A; Santos, A L; Airoldi, C; Aluminum doped mesoporous silica SBA-15 for the removal of remazol yellow dye from water. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 236, 2016, 167-175. doi 10.1016/j.micromeso.2016.08.040

• Melo Jr, M A; Pires, C T G V M T; Airoldi, C; The influence of the leaving iodine atom on phyllosilicate syntheses and useful application in toxic metal removal with favorable energetic effects. RSC Advances, 4, 2014, 41029-41038. doi 10.1039/c4ra06615d

• Pires, C T G V M T; Vilela, J A P; Airoldi, C; The effect of Chitin Alkaline Deacetylation at Different Condition on Particle Properties. Procedia Chemistry, 9, 2014, 220-225. doi 10.1016/j.proche.2014.05.026

• Pires, C T G V M T; de Melo, J C P; Airoldi, C; A useful synthetic route to yield silver-nanoparticles on phyllosilicates and morphologic structural investigations. Advanced Materials Research, 699, 2013, 624-629. doi 10.4028/

• Pires, C T G V M T; Airoldi, C; 1H NMR Spectroscopy Study of Sorbed Water on Layered Ilerite Surface. AIP Conferences Procedings, 1536, 2013, 1071-1072. doi 10.1063/1.4810605

• Moscofian, A S O; Pires, C T G V M T; Vieira A P; Airoldi, C; Reactive dyes removal using organofunctionalized mesoporous silica. Journal of Porous Materials, 20, 2013, 1179-1188. doi 10.1007/s10934-013-9701-7

• Pires, C T G V M T; Oliveira Junior, N G; Airoldi, C; Structural incorporation of titanium and/or aluminum in layered silicate magadiite through direct syntheses. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 135, 2012, 870-879. doi 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.05.072

• Almeida, R K S; Pires, C T G V M T; Airoldi, C; The influence of secondary structure directing agents on the formation of mesoporous SBA-16 silicas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 203, 2012, 36-42. doi 10.1016/j.cej.2012.06.114

• Pires, C T G V M T; Costa, J R; Airoldi, C; Isomorphic silicon/aluminum substitution on layered ilerite - Structural study and calorimetry of copper interaction. Microporous and Mesoporous materials, 163, 2012, 1-10. doi 10.1016/j.micromeso.2012.06.040

• Moscofian, A S O; Pires, C T G V M T; Vieira A P; Airoldi, C; Organofunctionalized magnesium phyllosilicates as mono- or bifunctitonal entities for industrial dyes removal. RSC Advances, 2, 2012, 3502-3511. doi 10.1039/C2RA00935H

• Oliveira E C; Pires, C T G V M T; Pastore, H O; Why Are Carbon Molecular Sieves Interesting? Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 17, 2006, 16-29. doi 10.1590/S0103-50532006000100003

• Pires, C T G V M T; Oliveira, E C; Pastore, H O; “Carbon Molecular Sieves: new synthesis routes and spectroscopic studies” Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Catálise (ISSN 1980-9263), v. 3. 2005, 1624-1629.


• Pastore, H O; Pires, C T G V M T; Oliveira -Munsignatti, E C,; Manufacturing process for carbon molecular sieves with morphology control - Processo de produção de peneiras moleculares de carbono com controle morfológico e peneiras moleculares de carbono microporosas. Brazilian Patent PI0700985-2, 2007.

Book Chapter

• Pires, C T G V M T; Airoldi, C; Functionalized Mesoporous and Nanoporous Materials. Handbook of Functional nanomaterials, Vol. 2 Characterization and Reliability, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, Chapter 20, 485-506.

• Pires, C T G V M T; Marín, M L; Miranda, M A; Airoldi, C.; Photocatalytic degradation of the pesticide methidathion by the layered silicate magadiite pillared with titanium oxide. Topics in Chemistry and Material Science, v. 6, 2011, 9-20.

Conferences complete works

• Ahmed, K; Pires, C T G V M T; Riaz, A; Airoldi, C; Study the Effect of Basic Dye Sorption on Different Chemically Modified SBA-15. Proceedings of the Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2013, Chon Buri, Thailand, p 769-772, 2013.

• Pires, C T G V M T; de Oliveira Jr., N G; Melo Jr., M A; Airoldi, C; Exfoliated Talc-Like Nickel Amine Functionalized Phyllosilicates: Synthesis and CO2 Sorption and Thermodynamics Effects. Proceedings of the Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference 2013, Chon Buri, Thailand, p 765-768, 2013.

• Pires, C T G V M T; Cossielo, R F; Iamazaki, E T; Atvars, T D Z; Pastore, H O.; “Photophysical study of Anthracene and Pyrene Adsorption on MCM-22 Zeolite”, 6th Encontro Brasileiro sobre Adsorção, Maringá, Book of Abstract, p. 57, 2006.

• Pires, C T G V M T; Oliveira, E C; Junior, C C; Pastore, H O; “A simple MCM-48 Synthesis”, 7th Encontro Regional de Catálise, Lorena/Cachoeira Paulista, Book of Abstract, p 71, 2006.

• Pires, C T G V M T; Oliveira, E C; Pastore, H O; Microporous Carbon as Template for the Production of a New, 3rd Congresso Brasileiro de Carbono, Rio de Janeiro. Book of Abstract, p 44, 2005.

• Oliveira, E C; Pires, C T G V M T; Pastore, H O; “Pyrolysis Temperature effect on Carbon Nanostructure obtention”, 3rd Congresso Brasileiro de Carbono, Rio de Janeiro. Book of Abstract, p 278, 2005.

•. Pires, C T G V M T; Mendes, E G; Nunes, E R; Mendes, E G; Seimetz, R; Makiuchi M F R; Queiroga, F M; Mérida, J L; Parca, R M; Delgado, S M ; “Paranoa Lake: Support Guide to Interdisciplinary Activities in High School Exact and Natural Sciences”, 8th EPEB Encontro Perspectivas do Ensino de Biologia, São Paulo. Book of Abstract, p. 173, 2002.

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