2004 PhD in Physics
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Thesis: “First-principles Study on SiC Homoepitaxy”
1998 Laurea Degree in Physics Cum Laude
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Thesis: “Density Functional Theory in the Hubbard Model”
- Full Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna (since August 2020)
- Associate Professor (Mar 2019 – June 2020 at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, June 2020 - August 2020 at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna)
- Assistant Professor at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Mar 2016 - Apr 2019)
- Senior Researcher (Dec 2014- Feb 2016) and Researcher (Sept 2012 - Nov 2014) at CNR Institute of Nanoscience
Career Breaks
- Maternity Leave. Date of birth of the first daughter 26/11/08
- Maternity Leave. Date of birth of the second daughter 18/04/2011
- The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) "Turquoise H2 and carbon nanotubes: simulating the whole catalytic process inside a reactor”, 2024.
- HORIZON-RIA STORMING "STructured unconventional reactors for CO2-fRee Methane catalytic crackING" 2022-2025, coordinator of the WP on Modeling.
- PRACE (Partnership for advanced computing in Europe) project TRIB-CARB 10/2021-10/2022
- ERC Consolidator grant 2019 SLIDE “Advancing Solid Interface and Lubricants by First Principles Material Design” 2020-2025.
- Grant for the organization of the CECAM workshop “Molecular Mechanisms of Tribochemistry and Lubrication” 27-29 Jan 2020.
- Project of Emilia Romagna Region “Education to research” , PhD scholarship granted (2018/19 – 2020/21).
- Marie Curie Individual Fellowship “Protein adsorption on charged surfaces” PATCHES (Call H2020-MSCA-IF-2017), role of supervisor.
- European Project “Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of iron lubrication”, 16th Preparatory Access call, Parternship for Advance Computing in Europe (PRACE). (2018)
- Coordinator of the Task Computational protocol for friction and tribochemistry within the MaX, European Center of Excellence (H2020, 2015-2017).
- EU DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative (DECI Call5 2009) “Ab initio investigation of tribochemical reactions”.
- Coordinator of 9 HPC-ISCRA projects on tribochemistry granted by CINECA, Bologna Italy.
- Coordinator of 6 INFM Supercomputing projects granted by CINECA, Bologna, Italy.
Institutional appointments
Scientific Advisor for the industry Total Sa since 2016.
Visiting Professor at Imperial College since September 2019 (Accademic Visitor since June 2017)
Member of the "Osservatorio della terza missione" of the University of Bologna
Member of the PhD board "Collegio di dottorato" of the University of Bologna
Member of Editorial Boards
- Scientific Reports, Springer Nature publishing Group
- Lubrication Science, Wiley
Technology transfer
- Training of industrial researchers seconded to my group: Seiji Kajita,Toyota Central R&D Labs (April 2014 – April 2016). Sophie Loehle, Total Marketing Services (Sept. 2014 – Sept. 2016).
- Coordinator of research contracts with Total Marketing and Services, Puteaux, FR, for the study of lubricant additives (since 2012 - ongoing).
- Coordinator of a research contracts with Toyota Central R&D Labs., Nagakute, Japan, for the development of a computational method in tribochemistry and design of friction (2014 - 2019).
Invited Presentations
- Invited to present at more than 40 international conferences, including Gordon Conference, MRS Spring Meeting, ACS National Meeting & Exibition, AVS International Symposium etc.
The focus of my teaching activity is in Computational Material Science, Physics and Surface-Interfaces at all levels of studies (Bachelor, Master and PhD). Specifically:
- Materials Modeling and Design, Master in Physics, 2021/22, 2022/23
- Interactions and Correlations in Condensed Matter, Master in Physics, 2020/21
- NanoMechanics, Master in Physics, 2019/20
- Physics, Electronic Engineering, 2016/17-2019/20
- (Nano)Tribology and materials to reduce friction, PhD school in “Physics and Nanoscience”
- Laboratory of computational Physics, Exercises, Master in Physics, 2006/07-2007/08
- Solid state physics, Exercises, Master in Physics, 2005/06
- Mechanics, Exercises, Bachelor in Physics 2001/02 and 2002/03
- 2 Researchers seconded from the industry, 10 PostDocs, 11 PhD and 13 MSc Degree Students supervised