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Claudia Manca

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-08/A Organizzazione aziendale

Curriculum vitae

Academic Appointments

Sept 2023 – ongoing: Visiting Researcher, Department of Management Engineering, DTU Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Sept 2021 – ongoing: Program co-Director, Human Resource Management and Organization Master, Bologna Business School, Italy

Jan 2021 – ongoing: Assistant Professor (RTDa), Human Resource Management and Organization, University of Bologna, Italy

Sept 2017 – Dec 2020: Lecturer, Industrial Management & Economics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Dec 2015 – March 2017: Visiting Researcher, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Jan 2014 – Sept 2014: Teaching and Research Assistant, Business Administration, University of Pisa, Italy


Industry Experience

Sept 2012 – Sept 2014: Management Consultant and Business Analyst, Observatories on Digital Innovation, School of Management, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Nov 2011 – Aug 2012: Business Analyst, Deloitte Consulting, Italy



  • 2020: Ph.D Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, KTH Royal institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2019: Ph.D Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • 2012: M.Sc. Industrial Management and Engineering, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
  • 2010: Bachelor of Technology, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy



Bergami, M., Orlandi, L. B., Giuri, P., Lipparini, A., Manca, C.*, Poggioli, G., Russo, M. & Viale, P. (2024). Embracing tensions throughout crises: The case of an Italian university hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Care Management Review, 49(3), 186-197. *corresponding author

Crevani, L., & Manca, C. (2023), "Spatial Agencing, Privilege and New Ways of Working". In: G. Guzman, A. Diedrich, & F. Cochoy, Space and Organizing: On spatial agencing. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 16-30.

Russo, M., Morandin, G., & Manca, C. (2023), “How Can Organizations Improve Virtual Onboarding? Key Learnings from the Pandemic”. In: Bergum, S., Peters, P., Vold, T. (eds), Virtual Management and the New Normal. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 203-221.

Manca, C. (2022) “Tensions as a Frame for Managing Work in Collaborative Workplaces: A Literature Review”. The International Journal of Management Reviews, 24(3), pp. 333-351

Manca, C. (2020) “A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces”. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (ISBN: 978-91-7873-428-3)

Manca, C., Grijalvo, M., Palacios, M., & Kaulio, M. (2018) “Collaborative workplaces for innovation in service companies: Barriers and enablers for supporting new ways of working”. Service Business, 12(3), pp 525–550.


Conference Proceedings

Manca, C., Harder Fischer, L., & Ipsen, C. (2024). Balancing Acts: Institutionalizing Flexible Work in the Quest for an Unstable Equilibrium. Academy of Management Proceedings 2024 (1), 18812 DOI:

Manca, C. “Tensions as a frame for managing work in collaborative workplaces: A literature review”. Academy of Management Proceedings 2020(1): 15141 DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2020.15141abstract

Manca, C., Falkman, L., Kaulio, M., & Grijalvo, M. (2019) “Setting the scene of the Brave New Workplace: What is left for managers?”. Academy of Management Proceedings 2019(1):18090 DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.18090abstract


Teaching cases

Manca, C. & Giuri, P. (2022) “Aeffe: a ‘Smarter’ Way of Working in the Fashion Industry?”, Published on the Case Center | Case Study: Reference no. 422-0009-1 | Teaching Note: Reference no. 422-0009-8


Teaching Activities

  • Bologna Business School, Italy

    • Change Management for Digital Transformations (lecturer, EN) – open program, target Executive – Spring 2024
    • People Management (lecturer, EN) – custom program, target Executive – Spring 2023
    • Change Management (lecturer, IT) – open program, target Executive – Spring 2021
    • Change Management in Sustainable Transitions (lecturer, EN) – MSc – Autumn 2021
    • Cross-cultural Management (lecturer, EN) – custom program, target Executive – Autumn 2022
    • Communication Across Cultures (lecturer, EN) – MSc – Winter 2022, 2023
    • Talk on D&I (IT) within the Ferrari custom program, target Executive, Winter 2023
    • Virtual Workshop (IT) on Change Management for the managers affiliated with the DAFNE Consortium (gathering companies in the healthcare sector), Winter 2023
    • Expeditions project by MAST Foundation (lecturer, IT) – Vocational education for high school students – Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023

    University of Bologna, Italy

    • Cross-cultural Management Laboratory (lecturer, EN) – MSc – Spring 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
    • Organizational Behavior (lecturer, EN) – BSc – Winter 2022, 2023, 2024

    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

    • Leadership and Organizational Change (lecturer and teaching assistant, EN) – MSc – Autumn 2020
    • Team Leadership and Human Resource Management (lecturer, EN) – MSc – Spring 2020; Winter 2019, 2018
    • Change Projects in Industrial Management (teaching assistant, EN) – MSc – Autumn 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
    • Seminar in Advanced topics in Industrial Management (lecturer, EN) – MSc – Spring 2018, 2017


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