Foto del docente

Chiara Berteotti

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/09 Physiology


Alessandro Silvani;Stefano Bastianini;Chiara Berteotti;Giovanna Cenacchi;Ornella Leone;Viviana Lo Martire;Valentina Papa;Giovanna Zoccoli, Sleep and cardiovascular phenotype in middle-aged hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2014, 23, pp. 98 - 106 [Scientific article]

Silvani A; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Cohen G; Lo Martire V; Mazza R; Quarta C; Pagotto U; Zoccoli G, Cardiorespiratory control as a function of wake-sleep behavior and diet in mice lacking CB1 cannabinoid receptors, «THE FASEB JOURNAL», 2013, 27, pp. 926.1 - 926.1 [Abstract]

Silvani A; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Lo Martire V; Zoccoli G, Hypothalamic neurons expressing hypocretin/orexin peptides are necessary for the physiological effects of sleep on blood pressure, «AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE: BASIC & CLINICAL», 2013, 177, pp. 313 - 313 [Abstract]

Silvani A; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Lo Martire V; Zoccoli G, Treating hypertension by targeting orexin receptors: potential effects on the sleep-related blood pressure dipping profile., «THE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY», 2013, 591, pp. 6115 - 6116 [Comment or similar]

Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Lo Martire V; Mazza R; Pagotto U; Quarta C; Silvani A; Zoccoli G, Cardiovascular and sleep alterations in mice lacking the cannabinoid receptor 1, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2012, 21, pp. 121 - 122 [Abstract]

Silvani A.; Bastianini S.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Zoccoli G., Control of cardiovascular variability during undisturbed wake-sleep behavior in hypocretin-deficient mice, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY. REGULATORY, INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY», 2012, 302, pp. R958 - R964 [Scientific article]

Berteotti C; Bastianini S; Lo Martire V; Silvani A; Zoccoli G, Effects of ambient temperature on blood pressure during sleep in narcoleptic mice with genetic ablation of hypocretin neurons, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2012, 21, pp. 264 - 265 [Abstract]

Lo Martire V.; Silvani A.; Bastianini S.; Berteotti C.; Zoccoli G., Effects of ambient temperature on sleep and cardiovascular regulation in mice: the role of hypocretin/orexin neurons., «PLOS ONE», 2012, 7, Article number: e47032 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bastianini S.; Silvani A.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Zoccoli G., High-amplitude theta wave bursts during REM sleep and cataplexy-like state in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2012, 21, pp. 185 - 188 [Scientific article]

Bastianini S.; Silvani A.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Zoccoli G., Mice show circadian rhythms of blood pressure during each wake-sleep state, «CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL», 2012, 29, pp. 82 - 86 [Scientific article]

Lo Martire V; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Silvani A; Zoccoli G, The contribution of baroreflex and central autonomic commands to cardiac control during the wake-sleep cycle is modulated by ambient temperature but does not depend on hypocretin neuron activity, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2012, 21, pp. 264 - 264 [Abstract]

Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Lo Martire V; Silvani A, Central and baroreflex control of heart period as a function of ambient temperature in narcoleptic mice with genetic ablation of hypocretin neurons, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2011, 203, pp. 224 - 224 [Abstract]

Silvani A; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Lo Martire V; Zoccoli G, Circadian rhythms of blood pressure occur during each wake-sleep state in mice, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2011, 203, pp. 251 - 251 [Abstract]

Lo Martire V; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Silvani A; Zoccoli G, Effects of ambient temperature on cardiovascular control during sleep in narcoleptic mice with genetic ablation of hypocretin neurons, «ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA», 2011, 203, pp. 234 - 234 [Abstract]

Bastianini S.; Silvani A.; Berteotti C.; Elghozi J.L.; Franzini C.; Lenzi P.; Lo Martire V.; Zoccoli G., Sleep-related changes in blood pressure in hypocretin-deficient narcoleptic mice., «SLEEP», 2011, 34, pp. 213 - 218 [Scientific article]

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