2002, PhD Physics Technical University of Vienna (Austria). excellent
1999, MS Physics University of Cagliari (Italy). 110/110 cum laude
Career History
From 2018 Associate Professor, University of Bologna (Italy)
From 2017 Full Professor, Quantum Materials Modelling, University of Vienna (Austria)
2014-2017 Associate Professor, University of Vienna (Austria)
2012-2014 Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), University of Vienna (Austria)
2013 Parental Leave
2007-2012 University Assistant, University of Vienna (Austria)
2004-2007 PostDoc, University of Vienna (Austria)
2002-2004 PostDoc, University of Cagliari (Italy)
2002 PhD Physics Technical University of Vienna (Austria)
1999 MS Physics University of Cagliari (Italy)
COST Action OPERA (2021-2024), Advancing knowledge on physics, materials and chemical processes, MC Member
FWF Spezialforschunbereich Project (2021-20215), Taming Complexity in Materials Modeling, Project-PI, 400,000 EURO
OeAD WTZ Austria-Korean exchange program (2020-2023), PI, 15.000 EURO
FWO-FWF Austrian-Belgium International Research Project (2020-2024), Ab-initio calculations for anharmonic polarons in hydrides. PI, 400.000 EURO
H2020-MSCA-IF-2019 (2021-2024), aB-IniTio calculations and MAchine learning for suPerconducting collective phenomena in novel materials, supervisor (MC PostDOC: Domenico Di Sante), 269.000 EURO
FWF doc.funds (2020-2024), Hierarchical Design of Hybrid Systems, project PI, 140000 EURO
FWF Research Project (2019-2023), Surface science of bulk-terminated cubic perovskite oxides, co-PI, 130.000 EURO
Exchange I-LINK2017 program, CSIC (Spain-Austria, 2018-2020), PI, 20.000 EURO
Belgium-Austria Joint Research Project (2016-2019), Polarons in oxides: model Hamiltonian and ab initio study, PI, 330.00 EURO
FWF Spezialforschunbereich Project (2015-2018), Collective Phenomena in Oxide films and Heterostructures, co-PI 130.000 EURO
India-Austria Joint Research Project (2014-2017), Electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling in 4d and 5d transition metal oxides: a joint experimental and theoretical frontier research, PI, 350.000 EURO
FP7 Collaborative Projects (EU-India-2) 2009-2012, Advanced Theories for functional oxides: new routes to handle the devices of the future, national PI, 250.000 EURO
Scientific Activity
My research is concerned with the theoretical understanding and computational modeling of complex materials using quantum mechanical methodologies based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), Hartee-Fock, Many-body perturbation theory (GW, RPA, BSE), model electronic/spin effective Hamiltonians, molecular dynamics and quantum/classical Monte Carlo schemes. The
main research area is Computational Quantum Materials in three (bulk) and reduced dimensions (surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures). Quantum Materials is a broad concept in condensed matter beyond strongly correlated electron systems. At its core, the field of Quantum Materials deals with emergent phenomena in systems with many strongly interacting degrees of freedom (lattice-spin-orbital) and covers the new field of research aiming to unravelling novel electronic and magnetic phases with fundamental and applicative interest with several intermingled conceptual challenges: Polarons and polarity effects, Mott physics, Quantum surfaces, topological Dirac/Weyl phases, non-collinear spin orderings, electron-hole interactions (excitons), multiferroism.
Biblimetric data
> 150 publication, > 8000 citations Impact factor: 46
Esteem Factors
2017 Shield of honor, Abbottabad University, Pakistan
2017 National Scientific Habilitation (Italy), Full Prof. Sector: 02/B2 - Theoretical physics of matter
2015 Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society
2013 National Scientific Habilitation (Italy), Assoc. Prof. Sector: 02/B2 - Theoretical physics of matter
2010 Young International Scientist Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organizational Activity
2019 Novel Electronic and Magnetic Phases in Correlated Spin
2019 Workshop, Mainz, November 2019
2019 Polaron in the 21 st century, Workshop, Vienna, December 2019
2019 Computational Approaches to Magnetic Systems Workshop, Daejeon (South Korea, August 2019
2018 Computational Magnetism Workshop, POSTECH, August 2018
2017 International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. Symposium: ”Novel electronic and magnetic phases in correlated relativistic oxides” Prague (Czech Republic)
2017 Winter School of Magnetism Vienna (Austria)
2016 17th International conference of the Asia Materials Sciences Qingdao (China)
2015 1st International Conference on Computational Designs and Simulations of Materials Shenyang (China).
2014 Symposium: Computational Materials Methods. Design and Applications International Conference of Young Researchers on Advances Materials; Haikou (China)
2012 School: ATHENA School for advanced modeling of magnetic oxidesCalcutta (India)
Editorial and referee activity
Co-editor of the The Handbook of Materials Modeling, 2nd edition, Springer 2019
Guest editor of the Special issue: Novel superconducting and magnetic materials, J. of Phys.: condens. mat. (2019)
Referee for: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Department of Energy, DOE (USA), USA-Israel Binational Science Foundation (USA) FONDECYT (Chile), Physical Review (Letter, X & B), Nature Physics, Nature Communication, npj Quantum Materials, JACS, New J. of Physics, Journal Physical Chemistry, IOP, . . .