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Cesare Accinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-02/A Agronomy and Field Crops


Patent n. wo2019/073382, Method to evaluate the dispersion of particles.

Abbas H.K.; Bellaloui N.; Accinelli C.; Smith J.R.; Thomas Shier W., Toxin production in soybean (Glycine max L.) plants with charcoal rot disease and by Macrophomina phaseolina, the fungus that causes the disease, «TOXINS», 2019, 11, Article number: 645 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Accinelli, Cesare*; Abbas, Hamed K.; Shier, W. Thomas, A bioplastic-based seed coating improves seedling growth and reduces production of coated seed dust, «JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT», 2018, 32, pp. 318 - 330 [Scientific article]

Accinelli, Cesare*; Abbas, Hamed K.; Little, Nathan S.; Kotowicz, Jeremy K.; Shier, W. Thomas, Biological control of aflatoxin production in corn using non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus administered as a bioplastic-based seed coating, «CROP PROTECTION», 2018, 107, pp. 87 - 92 [Scientific article]

Nacer Bellaloui, Hamed K. Abbas, M. Wayne Ebelhar, Alemu Mengistu, Michael J. Mulvaney, Cesare Accinelli, W. Thomas Shier, Effect of Increased Nitrogen Application Rates and Environment on Protein, Oil, Fatty Acids, and Minerals in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Seed Grown under Mississippi Delta Conditions, «FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES», 2018, 9, pp. 1112 - 1135 [Scientific article]Open Access

Patent n. 102018000003842, Metodo per la preparazione di una composizione per il trattamento di colture agrarie.

Abbas, Hamed K.; Accinelli, Cesare; Thomas Shier, W., Biological Control of Aflatoxin Contamination in U.S. Crops and the Use of Bioplastic Formulations of Aspergillus flavus Biocontrol Strains To Optimize Application Strategies, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY», 2017, 65, pp. 7081 - 7087 [Scientific article]Open Access


Abbas, Hamed K; Shier, W. Thomas; Plasencia, Javier; Weaver, Mark A.; Bellaloui, Nacer; Kotowicz, Jeremy K.; Butler, Alemah M.; Accinelli, Cesare; de la Torre-Hernandez, M. Eugenia; Zablotowicz, Robert M., Mycotoxin contamination in corn smut (Ustilago maydis) galls in the field and in the commercial food products, «FOOD CONTROL», 2017, 71, pp. 57 - 63 [Scientific article]

Accinelli, Cesare; Abbas, Hamed K.; Little, Nathan S.; Kotowicz, Jeremy K.; Mencarelli, Mariangela; Shier, W. Thomas, A liquid bioplastic formulation for film coating of agronomic seeds, «CROP PROTECTION», 2016, 89, pp. 123 - 128 [Scientific article]

Cesare Accinelli, Hamed K Abbas, Alberto Vicari, W Thomas Shier, Leaf application of a sprayable bioplastic-based formulation of biocontrol Aspergillus flavus strains for reduction of aflatoxins in corn, «PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE», 2016, 72, pp. 1521 - 1528 [Scientific article]

Mencarelli, M.; Aloise, M.R.; Accinelli, C.; Marzadori, C.; Vicari, A.; Ciavatta, C., Soluzione innovativa all'inquinamento da nitrati, «L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO», 2016, 43, pp. 47 - 50 [Scientific article]

Habba, A; Weaver, M; Accinelli, C; Zablotowicz, Rm, Understanding fungal reservoirs: tracking Aspergillus populations in air, soil, crop debris and the reproductive organs of Bt and non-Bt corn, in: APS, APS Meetings 2016 Annual Meeting, 2016, pp. 428 - 429 (atti di: APS Meetings 2016 Annual Meeting, Tampa - Florida, 30/07/2016-03/08/2016) [Abstract]

Cesare Accinelli;Mariangela Mencarelli;Akos Balogh;Bryan J. Ulmer;Claudio Screpanti, Evaluation of field application of fungi-inoculated bioplastic granules for reducing herbicide carry over risk, «CROP PROTECTION», 2015, 67, pp. 243 - 250 [Scientific article]

Cesare Accinelli; Hamed K. Abbas; Alberto Vicari; W. Thomas Shier, Evaluation of recycled bioplastic pellets and a sprayable formulation for application of an Aspergillus flavus biocontrol strain, «CROP PROTECTION», 2015, 72, Article number: 1 , pp. 9 - 15 [Scientific article]

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