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Boaz Gedaliahu Samolsky Dekel

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche


Imbriaco, Guglielmo; Capitano, Martina; Rocchi, Margherita; Suhan, Aglaia; Tacci, Alice; Monesi, Alessandro; Sebastiani, Stefano; Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu, Relationship between noise levels and intensive care patients' clinical complexity: An observational simulation study, «NURSING IN CRITICAL CARE», 2024, 29, pp. 555 - 563 [articolo]Open Access

Lia, Elena; Pucci, Valentina; Raccagna, Cecilia; Sebastiani, Stefano; Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu Samolsky, Analgosedation Management in the Intensive Care Unit: A Narrative Systematic Review, «THE OPEN ANESTHESIA JOURNAL», 2023, 17, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]

Lenza, Catia; Meggiato, Lara; Santuri, Vittoria; Vivona, Liliana; Sebastiani, Stefano; Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu; Imbriaco, Guglielmo, La gestione del dolore in Pronto Soccorso: una indagine fenomenologica sul vissuto degli infermieri, «SCENARIO», 2023, 40, Article number: 568, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Giacomini F.; Querci L.; Samolsky Dekel B.G., Mixed Reality versus Mass or Self-directed Training for Adolescents’ Basic Life Support Instruction: A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Study, «THE OPEN ANESTHESIA JOURNAL», 2023, 17, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]

Samolsky Dekel B.G.; Sorella M.C.; Vasarri A.; Melotti R.M., The Occipital Nerves Applied Strain Test to Support Occipital Neuralgia Diagnosis, «PAIN AND THERAPY», 2023, 12, pp. 1135 - 1148 [articolo]Open Access

Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu; Sorella, Maria Cristina; Vasarri, Alessio; Melotti, Rita Maria, Evidence for the BUAS-test ability to diagnose lumbar radicular pain, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF PAIN», 2022, 16, pp. 23 - 33 [articolo]

Imbriaco, Guglielmo; Rondelli, Riccardo; Maroni, Federica; Mazzolani, Selene; Sasso, Silvia; Sebastiani, Stefano; Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu, Nurse-Administered Analgesic Treatment in Italian Emergency Medical Services: A Nationwide Survey, «JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH», 2021, 14, pp. 1827 - 1835 [articolo]Open Access

Samolsky Dekel B.G.; Gori A.; Gunnellini M.; Gioia A.; Di Marco M.; Casale G.; Bevilacqua M.; Bersani P.; Melotti R.M., The Italian Questionnaire for Cancer Breakthrough Pain Diagnosis, a Multicenter Validation Study, «PAIN AND THERAPY», 2021, 10, pp. 1171 - 1188 [articolo]Open Access

Samolsky Dekel B.G.; Gori A.; Gunnellini M.; Gioia A.; Di Marco M.; Casale G.; Bevilacqua M.; Bersani P.; Melotti R.M., The Italian Questionnaire for Cancer Breakthrough Pain Diagnosis, a Multicenter Validation Study, «PAIN AND THERAPY», 2021, 10, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu; Sorella, Maria Cristina; Vasarri, Alessio; Melotti, Rita Maria, Reliability of the Buttock Applied Strain Test to Diagnose Radicular Pain in Patients With Low Back Pain, «PAIN PRACTICE», 2020, 20, pp. 829 - 837 [articolo]

Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu; Sorella, Maria Cristina; Vasarri, Alessio; Melotti, Rita Maria, Reply to the letter "Regarding Samolsky Dekel et al. Reliability of the Buttock Applied Strain Test to Diagnose Radicular Pain in Patients with Low Back Pain.", «PAIN PRACTICE», 2020, 20, pp. 951 - 952 [articolo]

Dekel B.G.S.; Sorella M.C.; Vasarri A.; Gori A.; Melotti R.M., Opioid-induced constipation in mixed chronic pain patients: Prevalence and predictors analysis, «JOURNAL OPIOID MANAGEMENT», 2019, 15, pp. 375 - 387 [articolo]

Protti, Michele*; Catapano, Maria Carmen; Samolsky Dekel, Boaz Gedaliahu; Rudge, James; Gerra, Gilberto; Somaini, Lorenzo; Mandrioli, Roberto; Mercolini, Laura, Determination of oxycodone and its major metabolites in haematic and urinary matrices: Comparison of traditional and miniaturised sampling approaches, «JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS», 2018, 152, pp. 204 - 214 [articolo]Open Access

Boaz G Samolsky Dekel, Editorial: Acute Pain Service an Open and Challenging Issue, «EC ANAESTHESIA», 2018, 4, pp. 192 - 194 [articolo]

Boaz G Samolsky Dekel, Editorial: From Direct to Indirect Laryngoscopy for Endotracheal Intubation, the Pendulum Swings On., «EC ANAESTHESIA», 2018, 4, pp. 329 - 331 [articolo]

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