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Benilde Cosmi

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-07/B Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare


Palareti, G.; Legnani, C.; Antonucci, E.; Cosmi, B.; Falanga, A.; Poli, D.; Mastroiacovo, D.; Pengo, V.; Ageno, W.; Testa, S., Do women with venous thromboembolism bleed more than men during anticoagulation? Data from the real-life, prospective START-Register, «THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN DRUG SAFETY», 2021, 12, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Sartori, M.; Cosmi, B., Heparin-induced thrombocy-topenia and COVID-19, «HEMATOLOGY REPORTS», 2021, 13, Article number: 8857, pp. 21 - 23 [articolo]Open Access

Khan, F; Tritschler, T; Kimpton, M; Wells, Ps; Kearon, C; Weitz, Ji; Büller, Hr; Raskob, Ge; Ageno, W; Couturaud, F; Prandoni, P; Palareti, G; Legnani, C; Kyrle, Pa; Eichinger, S; Eischer, L; Becattini, C; Agnelli, G; Vedovati, Mc; Geersing, Gj; Takada, T; Cosmi, B; Aujesky, D; Marconi, L; Palla, A; Siragusa, S; Bradbury, Ca; Parpia, S; Mallick, R; Lensing, Awa; Gebel, M; Grosso, Ma; Thavorn, K; Hutton, B; Le Gal, G; Fergusson, Da; Rodger, Ma, Long-Term Risk for Major Bleeding During Extended Oral Anticoagulant Therapy for First Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis., «ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE», 2021, 174, pp. 1420 - 1429 [articolo]

Khan, F.; Tritschler, T.; Kimpton, M.; Wells, P.S.; Kearon, C.; Weitz, J.I.; Büller, H.R.; Raskob, G.E.; Ageno, W.; Couturaud, F.; Prandoni, P.; Palareti, G.; Legnani, C.; Kyrle, P.A.; Eichinger, S.; Eischer, L.; Becattini, C.; Agnelli, G.; Vedovati, M.C.; Geersing, G.-J.; Takada, T.; Cosmi, B.; Aujesky, D.; Marconi, L.; Palla, A.; Siragusa, S.; Bradbury, C.A.; Parpia, S.; Mallick, R.; Lensing, A.W.A.; Gebel, M.; Grosso, M.A.; Thavorn, K.; Hutton, B.; Le Gal, G.; Fergusson, D.A.; Rodger, M.A., Long-term risk for major bleeding during extended oral anticoagulant therapy for first unprovoked venous thromboembolism: A systematic review and meta-analysis, «ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE», 2021, 174, pp. 1420 - 1429 [articolo]Open Access

Khan, F.; Tritschler, T.; Kimpton, M.; Wells, P. S.; Kearon, C.; Weitz, J. I.; Büller, H. R.; Raskob, G. E.; Ageno, W.; Couturaud, F.; Prandoni, P.; Palareti, G.; Legnani, C.; Kyrle, P. A.; Eichinger, S.; Eischer, L.; Becattini, C.; Agnelli, G.; Vedovati, M. C.; Geersing, G. -J.; Takada, T.; Cosmi, B.; Aujesky, D.; Marconi, L.; Palla, A.; Siragusa, S.; Bradbury, C. A.; Parpia, S.; Mallick, R.; Lensing, A. W. A.; Gebel, M.; Grosso, M. A.; Shi, M.; Thavorn, K.; Hutton, B.; Le Gal, G.; Rodger, M.; Fergusson, D., Long-term risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism among patients receiving extended oral anticoagulant therapy for first unprovoked venous thromboembolism: A systematic review and meta-analysis, «JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS», 2021, 19, pp. 2801 - 2813 [articolo]

Noémie Kraaijpoel, Frits I Mulder, Marc Carrier, Annabel van Lieshout, Tom Würdinger, Myron G Best, Bart JM van Vlijmen, Yassene Mohammed, Luis Jara-Palomares, Pieter W Kamphuisen, Marcello Di Nisio, Walter Ageno, Jan Beyer-Westendorf, Thomas Vanassche, Frederikus A Klokm, Hans-Martin Otten, Mike JL Peters, Benilde Cosmi, Marije ten Wolde, Patrick MM Bossuyt, Harry R Büller, Nick van Es, Novel biomarkers to detect occult cancer in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism: Rationale and design of the PLATO-VTE study, «THROMBOSIS UPDATE», 2021, 2, pp. 10030 - 10036 [articolo]

Sartori, M.; Favaretto, E.; Cosmi, B., Relevance of immobility as a risk factor for symptomatic proximal and isolated distal deep vein thrombosis in acutely ill medical inpatients, «VASCULAR MEDICINE», 2021, 26, pp. 542 - 548 [articolo]

Gresele, P.; Falcinelli, E.; Bury, L.; Pecci, A.; Alessi, M. -C.; Borhany, M.; Heller, P. G.; Santoro, C.; Cid, A. R.; Orsini, S.; Fontana, P.; De Candia, E.; Podda, G.; Kannan, M.; Jurk, K.; Castaman, G.; Falaise, C.; Guglielmini, G.; Noris, P.; Zaninetti, C.; Fiore, M.; Tosetto, A.; Zuniga, P.; Miyazaki, K.; Dupuis, A.; Hayward, C.; Casonato, A.; Grandone, E.; Mazzucconi, M. G.; James, P.; Fabris, F.; Henskens, Y.; Napolitano, M.; Curnow, J.; Gkalea, V.; Fedor, M.; Lambert, M. P.; Zieger, B.; Barcella, L.; Cosmi, B.; Giordano, P.; Porri, C.; Melazzini, F.; Abid, M.; Glembotsky, A. C.; Ferrara, G.; Russo, A.; Deckmyn, H.; Frelinger, A. L.; Harrison, P.; Mezzano, D.; Mumford, A. D.; Lordkipanidzé, M.; BAT-VAL Study, Investigators, The ISTH bleeding assessment tool as predictor of bleeding events in inherited platelet disorders: Communication from the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Platelet Physiology, «JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS», 2021, 19, pp. 1364 - 1371 [articolo]

Legnani, C.; Palareti, G.; Antonucci, E.; Poli, D.; Cosmi, B.; Falanga, A.; Mastroiacovo, D.; Testa, S., Thrombophilia testing in the real-world clinical setting of thrombosis centres taking part in the Italian Start 2-Register, «BLOOD TRANSFUSION», 2021, 19, pp. 244 - 252 [articolo]

Margaglione M.; Antonucci E.; D'Andrea G.; Migliaccio L.; Ageno W.; Bucherini E.; Cosmi B.; Falanga A.; Martini G.; Mastroiacovo D.; Paparo C.; Poli D.; Testa S.; Palareti G., Anticoagulation in Italian patients with venous thromboembolism and thrombophilic alterations: findings from START2 register study, «BLOOD TRANSFUSION», 2020, 18, pp. 486 - 495 [articolo]

Favaretto E.; Sartori M.; Pacelli A.; Conti E.; Cosmi B., Coronary artery disease and restenosis after peripheral endovascular intervention are predictors of poor outcome in peripheral arterial disease, «ACTA CARDIOLOGICA», 2020, 75, pp. 649 - 656 [articolo]

Palareti G.; Legnani C.; Antonucci E.; Cosmi B.; Poli D.; Testa S.; Tosetto A.; Ageno W.; Falanga A.; Ferrini P.M.; Pengo V.; Prandoni P.; Prandoni P.; Legnani C.; Poli D.; Prisco D.; Antonucci E.; Ghirarduzzi A.; Veropalumbo M.R.; Ugolotti M.C.; Erba N.; De Micheli V.; Testa S.; Paoletti O.; Luigi S.; Donadini M.; Rancan E.; Quintavalla R.; Santoro R.C.; Orlandini F.; Benedetti R.; Cattaneo M.; Lussana F.; Bertinato E.; Cappelli R.; Pizzini A.M.; D'Angelo A.; Crippa L.; Angeloni L.; Bortolotti R.; Vandelli M.R.; Tripodi A.; Imberti D.; Moia M.; Pesavento R.; Magrini N.; Marongiu F.; Zonzin P.; Piaggesi N.; Silingardi M., D-dimer testing, with gender-specific cutoff levels, is of value to assess the individual risk of venous thromboembolic recurrence in non-elderly patients of both genders: a post hoc analysis of the DULCIS study, «INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE», 2020, 15, pp. 453 - 462 [articolo]Open Access

Cini, M.; Legnani, C.; Padrini, R.; Cosmi, B.; Dellanoce, C.; De Rosa, G.; Marcucci, R.; Pengo, V.; Poli, D.; Testa, S.; Palareti, G., DOAC plasma levels measured by chromogenic anti-Xa assays and HPLC-UV in apixaban- and rivaroxaban-treated patients from the START-Register, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY», 2020, 42, pp. 214 - 222 [articolo]

Sartori, Michelangelo; Cosmi, Benilde, Failure of Fondaparinux in Autoimmune Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, «TH OPEN», 2020, 4, pp. e305 - e308 [articolo]Open Access

Gerotziafas G.T.; Catalano M.; Colgan M.-P.; Pecsvarady Z.; Wautrecht J.C.; Fazeli B.; Olinic D.-M.; Farkas K.; Elalamy I.; Falanga A.; Fareed J.; Papageorgiou C.; Arellano R.S.; Agathagelou P.; Antic D.; Auad L.; Banfic L.; Bartolomew J.R.; Benczur B.; Bernardo M.B.; Boccardo F.; Cifkova R.; Cosmi B.; De Marchi S.; Dimakakos E.; Dimopoulos M.A.; Dimitrov G.; Durand-Zaleski I.; Edmonds M.; El Nazar E.A.; Erer D.; Esponda O.L.; Gresele P.; Gschwandtner M.; Gu Y.; Heinzmann M.; Hamburg N.M.; Hamade A.; Jatoi N.-A.; Karahan O.; Karetova D.; Karplus T.; Klein-Weigel P.; Kolossvary E.; Kozak M.; Lefkou E.; Lessiani G.; Liew A.; Marcoccia A.; Marshang P.; Marakomichelakis G.; Matuska J.; Moraglia L.; Pillon S.; Poredos P.; Prior M.; Salvador D.R.K.; Schlager O.; Schernthaner G.; Sieron A.; Spaak J.; Spyropoulos A.; Sprynger M.; Suput D.; Stanek A.; Stvrtinova V.; Szuba A.; Tafur A.; Vandreden P.; Vardas P.E.; Vasic D.; Vikkula M.; Wennberg P.; Zhai Z.; Bikdeli B.; Guo Y.; Harenberg J.; Hu Y, Guidance for the Management of Patients with Vascular Disease or Cardiovascular Risk Factors and COVID-19: Position Paper from VAS-European Independent Foundation in Angiology/Vascular Medicine, «THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS», 2020, 120, pp. 1597 - 1628 [articolo]Open Access

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