Foto del docente

Barbara Saracino

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-05/A Sociologia generale

Curriculum vitae

Scarica Curriculum Vitae (.03.2022.pdf 369KB )


Senior Assistant Professor (RTDB) in General Sociology (SPS/07) – Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna (2019-2022)

National Scientific Habilitation to the rule of Associate Professor for the sector 14/C1 (2019-2025)

Junior Assistant Professor (RTDA) in General Sociology (SPS/07) – Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II (2017-2019)

Research fellow – MIUR-PRIN 2015 project, Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II (2017)

Post-doctoral research contract for "les fonctions de post-doctorant au sein de: Temps Espaces Langages Europe Meridionale Mediterranee - Recherche" – Université d'Aix-Marseille (2016-2017).

Post-doctoral fellow – SNECS-DATABENC project, Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II (2016)

Research fellow – Department project, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence (2014-2015)

Research fellow – PONEC Project, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence (2013-2014)

Post-doctoral fellow – Diventerò project, Bracco Foundation for Young People (2013)

Research fellow – PONEC project, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Florence (2011-2012)

Post-doctoral fellow – STSTN project, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2011).

PhD in Methodology and Social Research – University of Florence (2006-2019)


Coordinator of the AlmaIdea project funded by the University of Bologna entitled Fit for target: citizens' perceptions in policy design (2022-2023)

Member of the working group on Measures and analysis of social change at the Cattaneo Institute, (2021-now)

Member of ORME – Observatory for Death and Funeral Research at the Cattaneo Institute,

Scientific Responsible for the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna for the MIUR-FISR 2020 project Improving Communication for Public Health in the post-COVID-19 period (2021-2022)

Project agreement entitled The public communication of Italian scientific experts during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic with Drs. Rosanna Cataldo and Gabriella Punziano of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II (2021-now)

Participation in the international project OPEN (Organisational Public ENgagement with science) (2019-now)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Osservatorio Territoriale Giovani (Youth Observatory, University of Naples Federico II (2017-now)

Member of the Steering Committee of the research centre Observa Science in Society, (2016-now)

Coordinator of the Science in Society Monitor of the research centre Observa Science in Society (2011-now)

Participation in the interdisciplinary project of the University of Trento Science, Technology and Society – STSTN (2011-now)

Participation in the international project MORE-PE (MObilisation of REsources for Public Engagement with science and technology) (2016-2020)

Member of the Research Unit of the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna for the MIUR-PRIN 2015 project Death, Dying and Disposal in Italy. Attitudes, Behaviours, Beliefs, Rituals (2019-2020)

Member of the research group of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II for the project REMIAM-Reti Musei intelligenti ad alta multimedialità, funded with POR-FESR funds (2019)

Member of the research group of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II for the project PaN - Words and Numbers for Reading and Math Skills, Area NA-12, funded by Campania Region (2019)

Scientific Responsible for the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II of the project in partnership with the Acume Association "KEY: Enhancement of Cultural Heritage", which obtained the label of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and was funded by the Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities, General Secretariat Service II - National and Community Strategic Programming (2018-2019)

Promoter of the research group on Methods for the Analysis of Society, Department of Social Sciences, University of Naples Federico II (2018-2019)

Member of the Research Unit of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II for the 2015 MIUR-PRIN project Death, Dying and Disposal in Italy. Attitudes, Behaviours, Beliefs, Rituals (2017-2019)

Participation in the European project PRINTEGER (Promoting Integrity as an Integral Dimension of Ecellence in Research),, University of Trento (2016-2018)

Member of the Cento Interuniversitario di Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali – C.IME.S.S (2009-2017)

Member of the research group of the Department of Social Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II for the SNECS-DATABENC project, funded with PON funds (2016-2017)

Member of the research group of the Department of Political Science and Sociology of the University of Florence for the project PONEC (Popular is not a concept), funded by the Tuscany Region (2011-2014)

Member of the research group of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin for the project AGING (Aging, Labour Productivity and Sustainability of Public Pension Systems: an Investigation through Macro and Micro Modelling), funded by the Piemonte Region (2010-2013)

Collaborator of the research centre Observa Science in Society (2009-2015)

Member of the Centro Studi Minori e Media (Child and Media Studies Center) in Florence (2007-2013)


Deputy editor of "Polis", ed. Il Mulino (2021-now)

Member of the editorial board of the book series "Teoria e ricerca sociale e politica", ed. Altravista (2016-now)

Member of the editorial board of "Sociologia Italiana - AIS Journal of Sociology", ed. Egea (2017-2019)

Member of the scientific board of the Methodology section of the AIS-Italian Sociological Association (2019-2021)

Member of the Association "Sottosopra-Attivare democrazia", active in the design and management of participatory and deliberative processes in collaboration with political and civil society organizations, in the realization of "participation gyms" (2013-2022)

Member of AIS (Italian Sociological Association) and of the STS (Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies) (2016-now)

Member of Espanet Italia and SISP (Italian Society of Political Science); ESA-European Sociological Association, ISA-International Sociological Association and PCST-Public Communication of Science and Technology Network


Barbara Saracino has regularly participated in national conferences and seminars since 2006 and international conferences since 2012. She participated in the organization of the AIS national conferences in Florence and Naples. She has presented papers at the last conferences of the Methodology and Daily Life sections of the same association. She has been chair and presented papers at some of the last Espanet and SISP national conferences and at the international conferences organized by STS-Italia. She has participated with papers to some conferences of ESA, ISA and PCST. In total, in his extended cv there are 15 participations to seminars, 40 participations to national conferences and 15 participations to international conferences. In her research communication activities, she has been audited by Anvur (2019), has been invited as a speaker by some foundations and associations, such as CICAP, and has participated in some public conferences, such as the Genoa Science Festival (2019), the Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation (2020), Vicino/Lontano Festival (2021) and TaneXpo (2022).


Winner of #3DMagazine's "I Primi" Award, with the motivation: "for merits achieved in the field of research" (2017)

Author (with M. Bucchi) of one of the "Articles most read on Sage Journals" (December 2016 - May 2017)

Winner of the post-doc research grant on Visual Scientific Literacy promoted by the Diventerò project, Bracco Foundation for Young People (2013)

Selected by the IV Open Forum AIS Giovani for the discussion during the conference and the publication of the paper resulting from the research work done during the MA thesis (2006)


Barbara Saracino is author of 78 publications, including: 3 books, 10 edited book, 21 articles, and 44 book chapters. Here is the complete list of publications: