Foto del docente

Armir Bujari

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria

Curriculum vitae

Armir Bujari holds a position as an Associate Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Dept. (DISI) of the University of Bologna. He has the habilitation as an Associate Professor in the national examination called Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2018-2022, both in the Computer Engineering (ASN area 09/H1) and in Computer Science (ASN area 01/B1). 
His research interests include next generation networks, multimedia systems, fog/edge computing and their applicability to a broad range of verticals. On these topics, he is active in various technical program committees of the most prominent international conferences and is author of more than 100 papers, published in international conference proceedings, books, and journals. Among these publications, there are also several invited papers in IEEE venues, a Best Paper Award @IEEE ICC'21 (Symposium on QoS, Reliability & Modeling), Best Short Paper Award at IEEE/ACM DSRT'19, STG awards and two SRC awards at MobiCom 2015 and 2016 respectively. He has been (TPC) Chair of different conferences/workshops such as EAI/ACM GOODTECHS, ACM DRONET, IEEE NIME, IEEE DENVECT,  ACM SmartObjects, and ACM GoodIT'21.
Furthermore, he actively participated in national and international research projects funded by both private or public sector (Italian government), for instance, H2020 (RIA) TERMINET (2020-2023, as Scientific coordinator), H2020 (IA) Change2Twin (2020-2024, as Core partner), ESA VIBES ARTES AT 6A_054 (2018-2020, as Senior Engineer), FSE DGR 1148/2013 - evolved Multicast/Broadcast Service in LTE/LTE-A- (2014-2015, as P.I), UNIPD/PRAT Web Squared (2010-2012), MIUR/PRIN ALTER-NET (2011-2013) and others.

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