Monti A.; Giuliani A.; Scapolan A.C.; Montanari F., From Physical to Digital: Investigating the Offline Drivers of the Online Use and Quality of Knowledge Exchange of an Intraorganizational Digital Collaborative Technology, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT», 2024, 71, pp. 13697 - 13710 [articolo]Open Access
Garud R.; Gehman J.; Giuliani A., Serendipity arrangements for exapting science-based innovations, «ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES», 2018, 32, pp. 125 - 140 [articolo]
Garud R.; Gehman J.; Giuliani A., Why not take a performative approach to entrepreneurship?, «JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING INSIGHTS», 2018, 9, pp. 60 - 64 [articolo]
Antonio Giuliani; Alberto Monti; Vitaliano Barberio, Narrative Identity Work and Serial Entrepreneurship: A longitudinal mixed method study, in: Academy of Management Proceedings, «PROCEEDINGS - ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT», 2017, 2017, pp. 1 - 25 (atti di: Academy of Management, Chicago, 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Garud R.; Gehman J.; Giuliani A., Technological exaptation: A narrative approach, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2016, 25, pp. 149 - 166 [articolo]
Raghu Garud; Joel Gehman; Antonio Giuliani, Contextualizing entrepreneurial innovation: a narrative perspective, «IEEE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT REVIEW.», 2015, 43, pp. 80 - 102 [articolo]
Antonio Giuliani; Alberto Monti, Uncovering Patterns of Narrative Identity Work in Serial Entrepreneurship: A Longitudinal Mixed-Method Study, in: EGOS Conference, «Social Sciences Research Network», 2015, pp. 1 - 20 (atti di: EGOS, Athens, 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Garud, R.; Gehman, J.; Giuliani, A., Contextualizing entrepreneurial innovation: A narrative perspective, «RESEARCH POLICY», 2014, 43, pp. 1177 - 1188 [articolo]
Garud R.; Giuliani A.P., A narrative perspective on entrepreneurial opportunities, «ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW», 2013, 38, pp. 157 - 160 [articolo]
S.Ferriani; A.Giuliani, The Management of Growth Strategies in Firm Networks:
A Stylized Model of Opportunity Discovery via Network Ties, in: Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy, CHELTENHAM, Edward Elgar, 2012, pp. 191 - 214 [capitolo di libro]